Suzuka in the Rain

  • Thread starter PJF


Hi there fellows sim-racers!!!

I’m new around here, so I'm sorry if I choosed the wrong classification... but I want to tell you my experience with Prototype GR1 in GT7. And that’s because I’ve read so much about it in here that – with my experience, I mean – I can only conclude that’s all about you, your way of racing and luck.

That said… It’s hard as hell!!!

I started with the suggested car: Toyota TS030 Hybrid ’12. Big mistake, I know… I’ve never come close on any of the races.

So I’ve tried the Hyundai. In others GT’s this was a car that had a good fuel management and I wanted to pit just once… Well: I managed Daytone (1º) and Saint Croix (2º), but Susuka… Susuka was an all-new ball game!!!

My best position, for so much time, was 8º, just when I had to pit; then, after changing tires and fuel up, I return to the track at 15º and that’s when start to pouring rain… Well: that’s all folks!

Just for the stats I was with 1000hp, Fuel Map in 1 and hard tires and, if I didn’t had to fuel up, my tires would have to be changed; except for rain purposes, off course. Speaking about rain… What the hell was that?

I’ve read in here that some of you didn’t catch rain and that rain seemed to didn’t affect other cars… Well: not catching rain was pure luck, but about the other cars that’s not true. My friends, we can’t forget that the other cars are driven by AI, so, in the most of the time, those cars wouldn’t be affected by heavy foots and miss braking points…

Nevertheless, there are some unexplained things. Why doesn’t all cars Pit? The McLaren never pitted… The o Peugeot 750LR, Pitted twice for tires (soft), once for fuel, then once for rain tires and yet another for soft Tires again and this never seemed to slow it down and it won every time. It’s seems some kind of cheat…

So… I’ve decide to give it a go to the Peugeot LR 750. Started with all stock and soft tires. My first try leveled me at 8º position, just at lap 4, when started to rain and the tires were in the red. So I’ve pitted. I had fuel but not enough to the end so I get the fuel package: fuel up and change tires – soft. Returned to the track at 11º position, and it was raining… so I ended there because it was impossible to continue.

In my second attempt, I thought to use medium tires, just to prevent pitting so soon… I managed to keep in the track until lap 5, and without rain; I was happy because I was at 5º place. Then I Pited, make all business at box and return to the track at 6º and under pouring rain. So, because I was with medium tires, I thought to drop, but because I was at 6º place and have still 5 laps to go I’ve decide to do try ended. Made the lap, I return to the box for raining tires… But then I was already at 15º place… I ended at 8º, but my friends, my pressing made de AI make mistakes: two cars ahead of me did lost their track.

Tired of this, I went for a tune… Thanks Praino… With this tune, and Nitro at 30%, in hard tires, fuel map at 2, made it 3º… How it was?

Well… I Know 3º it’s not 1º but it was enough, so I’m happy for now. But let me say, I pitted at end of lap 7. And I was at 1º place. So I’ve fuel up for 3 more laps and change to rain tires. Returned to the track at 4º place and until I get used to the tires I lost another position. So, when I was ready, I started to try the climbing again but: it was pouring rain…

Let me say rain isn’t good. Lap 8 was horrifying and my focus was on staying on the apex, seeing the cars ahead of be building distance. But at lap 9, the rain stopped, the Peugeot 750LR, in 1º place, made its traditional pitting for Softs, and I keep it harder, speeding (with no nitro, because I’ve depleted at lap 6), very focused in the braking times and avoiding heavy foot… I managed to overtake the 5º place and, at lap 10, with more rain, the luck stroked me when the 3º place lost its way on the curve before the start- finish strait. I’ve made it 3º.

So, conclusions: I think I was lucky, but my driving gave me an extra lap. All I’ve read had the same setup - hard tires, Fuel map 2, a pit stop for Rain Tires – and they pitted at 6º lap at 5º or 4º positions, and I managed to pit at lap 7 in 1º position. Why? Well I’ve never pushed the gears to de limit and I had nitro… And that’s all!
Hi there fellows sim-racers!!!

I’m new around here, so I'm sorry if I choosed the wrong classification... but I want to tell you my experience with Prototype GR1 in GT7. And that’s because I’ve read so much about it in here that – with my experience, I mean – I can only conclude that’s all about you, your way of racing and luck.

That said… It’s hard as hell!!!

I started with the suggested car: Toyota TS030 Hybrid ’12. Big mistake, I know… I’ve never come close on any of the races.

So I’ve tried the Hyundai. In others GT’s this was a car that had a good fuel management and I wanted to pit just once… Well: I managed Daytone (1º) and Saint Croix (2º), but Susuka… Susuka was an all-new ball game!!!

My best position, for so much time, was 8º, just when I had to pit; then, after changing tires and fuel up, I return to the track at 15º and that’s when start to pouring rain… Well: that’s all folks!

Just for the stats I was with 1000hp, Fuel Map in 1 and hard tires and, if I didn’t had to fuel up, my tires would have to be changed; except for rain purposes, off course. Speaking about rain… What the hell was that?

I’ve read in here that some of you didn’t catch rain and that rain seemed to didn’t affect other cars… Well: not catching rain was pure luck, but about the other cars that’s not true. My friends, we can’t forget that the other cars are driven by AI, so, in the most of the time, those cars wouldn’t be affected by heavy foots and miss braking points…

Nevertheless, there are some unexplained things. Why doesn’t all cars Pit? The McLaren never pitted… The o Peugeot 750LR, Pitted twice for tires (soft), once for fuel, then once for rain tires and yet another for soft Tires again and this never seemed to slow it down and it won every time. It’s seems some kind of cheat…

So… I’ve decide to give it a go to the Peugeot LR 750. Started with all stock and soft tires. My first try leveled me at 8º position, just at lap 4, when started to rain and the tires were in the red. So I’ve pitted. I had fuel but not enough to the end so I get the fuel package: fuel up and change tires – soft. Returned to the track at 11º position, and it was raining… so I ended there because it was impossible to continue.

In my second attempt, I thought to use medium tires, just to prevent pitting so soon… I managed to keep in the track until lap 5, and without rain; I was happy because I was at 5º place. Then I Pited, make all business at box and return to the track at 6º and under pouring rain. So, because I was with medium tires, I thought to drop, but because I was at 6º place and have still 5 laps to go I’ve decide to do try ended. Made the lap, I return to the box for raining tires… But then I was already at 15º place… I ended at 8º, but my friends, my pressing made de AI make mistakes: two cars ahead of me did lost their track.

Tired of this, I went for a tune… Thanks Praino… With this tune, and Nitro at 30%, in hard tires, fuel map at 2, made it 3º… How it was?

Well… I Know 3º it’s not 1º but it was enough, so I’m happy for now. But let me say, I pitted at end of lap 7. And I was at 1º place. So I’ve fuel up for 3 more laps and change to rain tires. Returned to the track at 4º place and until I get used to the tires I lost another position. So, when I was ready, I started to try the climbing again but: it was pouring rain…

Let me say rain isn’t good. Lap 8 was horrifying and my focus was on staying on the apex, seeing the cars ahead of be building distance. But at lap 9, the rain stopped, the Peugeot 750LR, in 1º place, made its traditional pitting for Softs, and I keep it harder, speeding (with no nitro, because I’ve depleted at lap 6), very focused in the braking times and avoiding heavy foot… I managed to overtake the 5º place and, at lap 10, with more rain, the luck stroked me when the 3º place lost its way on the curve before the start- finish strait. I’ve made it 3º.

So, conclusions: I think I was lucky, but my driving gave me an extra lap. All I’ve read had the same setup - hard tires, Fuel map 2, a pit stop for Rain Tires – and they pitted at 6º lap at 5º or 4º positions, and I managed to pit at lap 7 in 1º position. Why? Well I’ve never pushed the gears to de limit and I had nitro… And that’s all!
I have tried a few gr1 cars and failed miserably until I used the Mazda LM55 Gr1 and it was an out of the box 1st race win, hard tyres to start then IM with a fuel stop (lap 5 when it started raining halfway throuh lap 4) I had my fuel map at 6 for the whole race and it just ate the corners and flew on the straights, but feel like i could have used fuel map 4 to begin with then adjusted it during the race.