It is actually a rule to type in proper English with full grammar on here ?
Yes, is that too much to ask? Grade 7 English don't fail me now!
In all seriousness though, the reason the staff of GTP ask that everyone use proper grammar is the same reason they ask everyone to use English, and not German, Japanese, Spanish, or any other that everyone can understand what is being said. GTP is an international site, frequented by people who speak all different languages. It can be very difficult for people who speak English as a second language to understand text-speak.
On another note....
Overtaker, perhaps you could have a word with
Kayce about her conduct in public lobbies. Deliberately drifting a section in the opposite direction from everyone else in the lobby, repeatedly smashing into 3, 4, and 5 car drift trains, and then having the nerve to blame those in the train for the collision (..."it's called a suicide drift! It's your fault you can't get out of the way, noob!"...) is not a good look for SYN-D1.
Kayce, until you grow up, don't bother showing your face in any NEMESIS rooms, as we don't tolerate that kind of childish, selfish behavior.
Anyways, hope to get sideways with you again soon
Overtaker, maybe at NS? That SSR is goin' down...I joke I joke

. and what's Geno's new PSN? I need to do some Aristo driftin with him!!