T.A.M League with spaces free in league 2, NO ABS or Aids

London, UK

T.A.M is a very competative ABS 0 league for 26 players, split into two leagues of 13 each, with promotion and relegation at the end of every season, we have been running for a over a year with the same core players that always turn up to race, we are looking to fill the last few spaces in league 2 (where everyone starts) with players who are both competetive and clean ( TAM is not a beginers league, this year we have had 2 guys out of the 22 in the GT Acadamy final and 1 going to Silverstone ).

Also all of our Season 7 races will be recorded in HD

We have prizes at the end of every season, PSN vouchers and real trophies, and a format that has been perfected over time. we race once a week, every week its something different, the only race types we dont do are off road rallying and oval racing, we also stay clear of tracks like high speed ring/ SSX etc.

At the end of every season we have a 1 off cup race and league vs league races against other competative leagues, we are looking for people who enjoy GT5 and will not miss too many races, who want a laugh with a good bunch of guys ( ages ranging from 17 to 55 atm :) ) and some serious racing to boot. We are a UK league and only take players from Europe to combat any lag.

This is the website


P.S. Our website only services our league of 26, nothing more.

There is a PS3 friendly forum linked with the web site that players use once they have joined.

If this sounds good to you and your interested in joining please post back here, ill add you then come have a practice and a chat with us to check out exactly how we run.

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Howdy there. I might be interested, but it depends on when you're racing.
Hey bud, League 2 race on wednesday and League 1 on thursday at 8pm GMT, we race weekday evenings because PSN seems to run better then.
If you want to race in a well organised league, using a wide variety of car classes with a great group of GT5 racers that are friendly and fair the TAM League is The league to join. Open lobby rooms will never feel the same once you have raced with these guys.

Its also a great way to improve your pace, I joined and I have.
Hi shizzle, yes the places are still available, if you add cjspencer77 to your friends, he will be running the open room this evening.

If you are really the shizzle, you will fit right in.
Hey Racers, if you looking for a community then you are exactly right with T.A.M League
I am currently No. 3 in league 2 and that was no easy way . Every race was hard work .
But there is always lots of fun in practice with the guys .
I love these guys easily. One is we are fast, hard, and the best we have a fair group
So if you're looking for a good community, some looking over us tonight
add to CJSpencer77 . He is the boss and has this cool community called to live
thank you for that m8
see ya later, then on the race track nice greetings DR_HASH
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Hey Shizzle we will be running an open room tonight, hopefully see u there m8

Our League races start at 8pm, but ill be on tonight at about 8:30pm 'ish'
Great group these guys. We have done a club vs club with TAM, extremely fast and super clean. TAM D2 is like GTP D2 and TAM's fastest are up there with the best.

You can't go wrong racing with these guys.
Great group these guys. We have done a club vs club with TAM, extremely fast and super clean. TAM D2 is like GTP D2 and TAM's fastest are up there with the best.

You can't go wrong racing with these guys.

Pappa, you truly are a scholar and a gentleman, always a pleasure to race with you m8

Js, im sorry bud, we only take Europenas, simply because of lag
Hi there CJ.

Not sure that you remember, but we raced together a few times when I was taking part in another league (GTJ).

I was speaking with a mutual friend of ours not too long ago and he mentioned your league and put forward the idea of joining up with you guys at some point. I'd only just returned to online racing at the time after a few months away to concentrate on my studying so I didn't feel as ready as I do now.

If it's OK with you and the other guys you race with, I'd like to put my name down for a spot in your league. I'm clean, competitive(ish) and enjoy racing with others of like-mind.

Hey Hortus, i know your clean bud, i remember racing with you a few times, ill add you to my friends list, next time im on and i see you online ill give you a shout bud to give you the low down and key you in to how we run. Hope to see you soon m8, im on most nights after work.
Season 6 is over, we are currently practicing for an inter league race with another GT5 league ( we always race league vs league in our close season ) so 3 guys from league 2 have been promoted to league 1 which means we have 3 slots open for new members, all new members start in league 2 with 3 drivers promoted every season, just to recap :

We run no Aids and more importantly we run ABS 0

We run a bit of everything with a varied season, but we dont run off road, ovals or tracks like route X or high speed ring but pretty much everything else is game.

Season 7 races will be recorded in HD and posted on our site

At the end of the season there are PSN voucher prizes and real trophies sent out to the winners. We are a non profit league, prizes are from totally optional donations nothing more, I run this league for the enjoyment of racing with friends competitivley not profit.

T.A.M is not a beginners league, but the most important thing if you are interested in joining us is that you are clean and you have your car under control, if you are only middle of the road where speed is concerned then thats no worries, the main points are: being clean and showing up to race, everyone misses a race here and there but we always want full races ( which we usually get ).

We have an awesome bunch of guys of which a lot are mates outside of T.A.M and a lot are now mates because of T.A.M we always have a good crack with plenty of banter, the only other thing to consider is we only take Europeans to combat any lag, if you are interested please contact me on PSN CJSpencer77 or post here.

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We now have 22 out of the 26 spaces taken for season 7, most of the 22 are our regular drivers we have 4 slots free, please post here or message me if u r interested
Hi have been looking for a competitive league for a while, yours sounds great I am just not sure if i am up to your standards as you all sound pretty good, anyway to test this like a practice session? or maybe a time trial?
Hey Haz, i would worry too much about your speed, the main things are firstly that you have your car under control and that you are clean when around others, we simply wont take dirty drivers.

The normal route to join is to come practice with us ( theres always 8+ of our group on in the evenings ) and see how it goes, i look forward to meeting you on the track bud :)
well yeah I can keep my car on the track, and I try to keep my races as clean as possible, how would I get into your practice room? would you add me or is it on the open lobby list?
Ok just 1 spot left now, we start on the 26th september so hopefully the last spot will be taken before we start, ita not a problem if its filled after we start though.
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Season 8 is about to start on the 8th of January, League 1 has a full roster of 13. League 2 has 2 slots free at the moment. If you are interested check out the season calander on the web site ( link is in my signature ) to see if the races are your kind of races, guys in TAM all individually like different things so each season is varied as each member can suggest a race.

If you are interested send me a friend request/message to PSN - CJSpencer77

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