T10 reward!

  • Thread starter Fezz_ST
Aww, the only rewards are for FM5 now. Makes sense, but sucks for us plebs stuck back here in the dark ages with FM4 and Horizon.
Are there any achievements tied to owning high-dollar cars in FM5? That might dictate what I do with my 5 mil.
Are there any achievements tied to owning high-dollar cars in FM5? That might dictate what I do with my 5 mil.
Only one I've seen is having a garage worth 20 million, doesn't need to be high value cars but they help!
Aww, the only rewards are for FM5 now. Makes sense, but sucks for us plebs stuck back here in the dark ages with FM4 and Horizon.
So in all likelihood I'll never be able to drive the Lotus Elan in Horizon. 🤬 unicorns, it's good that they were abolished. Jumping through hoops on the internet to earn something on the disc is monumentally dumb.
I hadn't realised I'd levelled up to the fifth tier, and having went on a spending spree of credits and tokens yesterday getting a lot of half price cars, this 5,000,000 is gratefully received.
I missed out on the E21, wish I'd known you could redeem rewards on the rewards site last month without having to buy the new game and console.

Also I hope the guys in charge of sales think of those people who weren't able to get consoles at launch. I can imagine many players won't be able to start playing until the Christmas break.
You can still redeem your rewards @UKMikey

Sure I redeemed everything, just that I was never gifted an E21, just what's in the bottom half of this screen. I guess if I logged in last month I wouldn't have missed November's rewards?

I am a VIP, bought the Limited Edition steelbook and everything.

[EDIT] Sorry Fezz, I did get the E21 after all. Boy, do I feel stupid. :nervous: :)
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I hope I clicked on the 250 GTO, once I did the page jumped :(

It seems a lot of people are being gifted the E21 and LaFerrari AGAIN, by mistake
I guess I'll have to follow suit. 250 GTO here I come.

[EDIT] The page jumped to a Vanquish as soon as I clicked but the Ferrari is on the way. No Christmas livery this time please T10. Now I only need another six Ferraris for the Not Just For Show achievement. :eek:

@symo63, these gifts are only available to people who bought the FM5 Limited Edition steelbook and became VIPs. I think it's an EB exclusive in Australia.
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Hmm - I guess I was misinformed - does the Day One Pack include the LCE or should I have got a separate code for the LCE component or was it not part of it at all?

Where the Lotus E21 gifts (2 of them) and the LaFerrari I received for VIP or LCE or Day One?

I am quite confused :)
I was also gifted another LaFerrari and E21. It's a shame I can't gift those cars another friend who didn't get the LE(at least the case of the E21) as for the free car I'm waiting see figures on the economy update. Might grab the 787 though.
Hmm - I guess I was misinformed - does the Day One Pack include the LCE or should I have got a separate code for the LCE component or was it not part of it at all?

Where the Lotus E21 gifts (2 of them) and the LaFerrari I received for VIP or LCE or Day One?

I am quite confused :)
It's the other way around, LCE contains the Day One pack but it should all be part of the same code. VIPs are the same as LCE owners and I think they were the only ones to get the Lotus.
Hmm - I added my code via Xboxlive.com and it was taken but on the XBone it was not recognized. When I go to the Redeem page it says "Unable to find LCE registration" and sadly I can not apply the code on the XBone as it say 'already used'.

I have the VIP crown and seem to be getting rewards - but it looks like the LCE/Day One part of the code has not worked at all. :( That was a bit of a waste then.

I don't suppose there is a live person I can confirm this with at M$ is there?

*edit* - ah ok - cleared up the mystery. Seems the Amazon Buy Me Now link was to the Day One NOT the LCE pack. No harm no foul :)
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