tailhappy supras

In real life I know theyre great cars, really easy to modify and still good drivers. But in the game no matter how much i TRY to like them, they still arent fun and i get crappy lap times. Especially on courses with lots of chicanes and stuff(e.g. ssr5). Does anyone else agree? Or does anyone else have any tips on driving it, I'm usually a good, fast driver, but this car just doesn't like me....

autogear 15-18

Get an ASCS also, put it at around 80-90, should help keep you from spinning. Cost's 50k cr.

Try to enter corners straight, tap the throttle a few times to let the LSD do it's job, then power out of the turn. If you start to spin, shift to the next higher gear. Your revs will drop, and your tires should regain traction.
thanks again for the advice, you are the man at this type of stuff:D One more question:
Doesnt downshifting to lower revs cause less traction? Oh well ill trust you anways cause i trusted you with the drifting stuff and the game got 3x more fun. thank you
I find that going down a shift in a corner can bring the car around quite nicely. Upshifting has never done much for me but to slow me down in a corner. You must watch your revs and downshifts are critical.
Since Ive gone from auto driving to the manual, the world of taking corners has new meaning. :D
Vipers and GT40's are tough and since playing GT3 and going back to playing the gt2 game, Ive gotten much better at playing gt2 than what I was. Gotta love it.
Use a wheel. Its better for drifting too:D Theres not nearly as much as you can do with the controller, i have a cheap wheel(30$) and it works beautifully.
The Tom's and TRD to run corners fast, try setting the rear at the lowest, and the front 1-2 clicks higher. This will shift more weight onto rear tires, giving more traction. LSD settings of around 6-9/25-33/12-16 should help.

When I said try upshifting in a turn, I meant when you'e starting to spin out and loose control. Upshifting will drop revs. Lower-revs+dip in HP & usaully tourque, giving the tires a couple seconds to regain traction. This isn't the fastest way around the corner (neither is drifting), but it's better than spining out and adding 7seconds trying to get going again.

I usaully hit the corner wide, tap the breaks once, downshift 2-3 times depending on the speed of the corner. Tap the gas 2-3 times in ther corner, then hit full throttle and power out of the final 1/3 of the corner. Tapping the gas lets the LSD do it's job, varrying how much the outside tires spin in relation to the inside tires. If you want to see what an LSD does, take an '85 Tureno out to a track, hit corners and watch what tires the smoke comes from...90% it's the inside tire. Equip an LSD, and either the smoke disaappears completely (good thing), or both tires will smoke when entering corners at high speeds.

The GT/LM cars are the best at hitting corners high speeds and late-breaking...dropping around 40mph/sec if not more.
no racing mod. the racing mod doest really even do much except waste money... then again i rarely do it unless i need it for a race. Thanks for the settings option2, ill try the stuff out
I do a great deal of OLR and this would be the fastest general settings, although they can be modified some for track and all. I'm not suggesting that they are the easiest to drive with, for sure they take some getting used to, probably a couple of days, or longer of frustration before it comes around and you will suddenly start to pick up quite a bit of time, and consistantly.

Lowest suspension at the front, highest at the back

LSD 1/1/1

With a high tuned Supra, you don't want to rev it into the redline. Depending on the situation and track, between 250 and 750 rev's below the redline is ideal.

Good Luck.

BTW, I haven't done any studies, but a race body is probably worth a couple of seconds per lap in most cars. Personally, I like running with the Race body.