Take the World's Smallest Political Quiz

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
So this quiz is a little weird. I like the categories but I take issues with the %'s. I don't think they're calibrated properly. The scales should really go from like 40% to 90% rather than 0 to 100.

I'm supposing it would be possible to score a 100% in a certain area and that just doesn't make sense.

So I think the %'s are off, but the quiz is decent.

They need to make it a bit more thorough and I think they'll shake some more interesting results out.
Here is me...

Your Personal Self-Government Score is 70%.
Your Economic Self-Government Score is 80%.

Libertarian 35.63 %
Left-liberal 18.53 %
Centrist 30.12 %
Right-Conservative 7.23 %
Authoritarian 8.49 %
Military service should be voluntary. (No draft)
Government should not control radio, TV, the press or the Internet.
Repeal regulations on sex for consenting adults.
Drug laws do more harm than good. Repeal them.
People should be free to come and go across borders; to live and work where they choose.
Economic Issues

Businesses and farms should operate without govt. subsidies.
People are better off with free trade than with tariffs.
Minimum wage laws cause unemployment. Repeal them.
End taxes. Pay for services with user fees.
All foreign aid should be privately funded.

The red dot on the chart shows where you fit on the political map.
Find out more about:

Free Trade

Your Personal Self-Government Score is 50%.
Your Economic Self-Government Score is 30%.

Scores falling on the centrist border are counted as centrist.

1,923,692 users have taken the quiz so far. Results are renewed after each submission

Libertarian 35.63 %
Left-liberal 18.53 %
Centrist 30.12 %
Right-Conservative 7.24 %
Authoritarian 8.49 %


Odd, a year ago I considered myself really conservative, but now I'm quite a bit more Liberal... Maybe it's because I'm starting to see more things that happen and their consequences now...(Not saying conservatives are bad, but I just don't like as many of their consequences now...)


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Businesses and farms should operate without government subsidies, but they can't.

Some of these questions go deeper than just 'yes' or 'no.'
I got Libertarian. Slightly to the right. Fits my self-image. Interesting that "The Party of Principle" is their slogan, because I am in the party, and I don't have any principles.

👍 Objectivism 👍

Your Personal Self-Government Score is 80%.
Your Economic Self-Government Score is 80%.

Scores falling on the centrist border are counted as centrist.

1,925,908 users have taken the quiz so far. Results are renewed after each submission

Libertarian 35.63 %
Left-liberal 18.53 %
Centrist 30.12 %
Right-Conservative 7.24 %
Authoritarian 8.49 %
Originally posted by Timmotheus
I got Libertarian. Slightly to the right. Fits my self-image. Interesting that "The Party of Principle" is their slogan, because I am in the party, and I don't have any principles.

👍 Objectivism 👍
Heh, if you're an Objectivist, you're all about principles. Look into the "Seatbelt Laws" debate which strayed pretty far afield.

If you're an Objectivist, that makes at least four of us here so far: you, danoff, Sage, and I. There may be more unconfirmed Objectivists lurking around, such as westside.

Welcome to the forum!
Thanks for the warm welcome. Its Sage's fault that I am here. Blame him. As for objectivism being "all about principles," I understand that Objectivism is principled, but my point was that having Objectivist principles is the same as lacking principles in the eyes of one who isn't Objectivist.
On the quiz I am totally a leftist.

But in real life I am a moderate independant/conservative.

Maybe a liberal conservative...lol.

What ever the case, funny stuff there since half of the questions are worded in a way that screws up the questions purpose.

Like the drug one, I would totally love to tax the hell out of herb and de-criminalize it, but I can't do that with crack and heroin... so I guess politics are a little more complicated than they seem at times.
Originally posted by GoKents
On the quiz I am totally a leftist.

But in real life I am a moderate independant/conservative.

Maybe a liberal conservative...lol.
You're the most right-wing Conservative on these forums, in my "opinion."

Then again, one allied with a particular school of thought tends to underestimate their own partisanship, and overestimate their opponent's. I bet you think John Kerry and the unabomber are in the same boat.
lol... john kerry and the unabomber...

Thats a good one... let me think, yeah, just about the same boat...lol.

I guess you have a thing about assuming you dont under-estimate the intelligence of other members here at the gtp.

Of course ted and john are in totally different boats, but what does that have to do with the most idiotic political quiz I have seen to date?

I dont mean to get additude, but I think you need to realize something about me.

I believe in allowing as much personal freedom as possible without trespassing the rights of another individual.

Even more simply said, I have views on civil rights and personal freedoms that are identical to the "perceived ideals" of the democratic/leftist political spectrum.

However, on matters of foriegn affairs and economic managment/freedom from taxation, I have very conservative beliefs.

Conservative and liberal as terms have become very outdated in american society if you ask me...

Liberals are taken as people who wish to take care of anyone less fortunate than themselves and conservatives are taken as powerful, rich, white men, who care about only themselves.

These ideas are as silly as the ideals of the people who hold them.

I just dont see the point in aligning myself with the democratic side as long as they hold a semi-socialist ideology.

I believe the government should only try to help you help yourself...

And I believe that only you can take care of yourself.

No one is looking out for you in the real world.

Idealistic socialist just dont see it my way in that sense.

But atleast Im liberal enough to let you and everyone else here express their views without using demeaning language to insinuate you do not understand or represent the views you express.
(such as your own post insinuating I am a staunch conservative who plays partisan politics yet does not know the difference between the politics of Kerry and the rantings of good ol' ted kaczynski.)

However, just for anyone who doesnt know the difference...

Kerry is running in the next presidential elections, so you will have plenty of chances to see his "kennedy-crate" politics...

However if this link works... check on teddys views here...

Originally posted by GoKents

Of course ted and john are in totally different boats, but what does that have to do with the most idiotic political quiz I have seen to date?

That you claimed to be a 'liberal conservative' despite being to the right of Brit Hume.

I just dont see the point in aligning myself with the democratic side as long as they hold a semi-socialist ideology.

Same logic: For the same reason, I'm not a Catholic because about ten priests speak for the whole bunch.

(such as your own post insinuating I am a staunch conservative who plays partisan politics yet does not know the difference between the politics of Kerry and the rantings of good ol' ted kaczynski.)

It wasn't that personal to you - more of a general statement I've made before - but you get the gist.

Run, it's a Conservative!
Indeed run, it is a conservative...

but I gotta ask...

Why is it ok for there to be conservative liberals, yet there can't be a liberal conservative?

And actually, following the logic as mentioned above, a fella by the name of luther, protested the actions of one single pope and created one of the greatest ideological revolutions of all time...

So I guess having a handful of people drive you out of association with a certain group is not a bad thing.

I was also kind of wondering what exactly gave you the impression I was a mega righty... I mean, sure Ive got beef with the clinton administration, but does that mean I support any righty to the dire end?

Needless to say, Ive got beef with the current administration, but I dont opine on that because its only giving ammo to my enemies. (on a political scale)

And usually I find that greviances with the right are not followed by the same kind of honest criticism for the left.

So I guess I just keep quiet on the net when it comes to discussion about my problems with conservatives.

None the less, this does not mean I am to the right of brit hume.

Although I should mention that brit is not all that conservative... its just that when you are far off in either direction, someone in the middle seems to be on the otherside no matter how you look at it.

If you actually want to ask me questions to evaluate my political moderation, then please feel free...

I really dont mind and would actually love to have the chance to show you just how independant I can be.

And most importantly...

I thank you for clearing up the idea of personal insults, we may disagree from time to time on these issues, but atleast your an honorable and honest person about conducting debates. (from time to time atleast :D )
Originally posted by GoKents
Indeed run, it is a conservative...

but I gotta ask...

Why is it ok for there to be conservative liberals, yet there can't be a liberal conservative?

It is, I'm just saying you're not one.

And actually, following the logic as mentioned above, a fella by the name of luther, protested the actions of one single pope and created one of the greatest ideological revolutions of all time...

I didn't use any logic excepting your own. I don't know if you're questioning it or not.

I was also kind of wondering what exactly gave you the impression I was a mega righty... I mean, sure Ive got beef with the clinton administration, but does that mean I support any righty to the dire end?

GoKents, let's be honest. Who doesn't have a beef with the Clinton administration?

It was from some previous discussion, as I recall, when there was a "War in Iraq" forum.

And usually I find that greviances with the right are not followed by the same kind of honest criticism for the left.

Liberals find the exact same thing just swtiched around. Seriously. I personally find both statements are completely true in most regards.

None the less, this does not mean I am to the right of brit hume.


Yeah, I guess not.
You get a Dodo for my apologies.

Although I should mention that brit is not all that conservative... its just that when you are far off in either direction, someone in the middle seems to be on the otherside no matter how you look at it.

:D He's not too conservative, but he's the most partisan newsman I know of. I love his show and watch it whenever I can. And I'm not liberal - trust me.

If you actually want to ask me questions to evaluate my political moderation, then please feel free...

Ford Explorer or Toyota Highlander?

I thank you for clearing up the idea of personal insults, we may disagree from time to time on these issues, but atleast your an honorable and honest person about conducting debates. (from time to time atleast :D )

Only when I'm hopped up on painkillers. :D
Well your post is actually the exact opposite of what I expected... (I expected condensending hostilities... thanks for keeping cool.)

toyota highlander... (but I would rather not have an suv at all... I drive a camry)

Also, trust me dude, the more you get to know of me, the more you will see that Im not a true independant, but I am a liberal conservative. (As I know myself better than you do, even with the 5000 words worth of ranting you have read of my beliefs from various political threads)

Point is, simply saying that Im not a liberal conservative is not enough to support your claim that you know I am not one.

Especially since I very much am...

Although I do like the fact you picked up my offer and asked a question... feel free to ask more. (I dont mind)

Anyway, thanks again as you are remaining much more composed than the average person posting on political subjects.

Btw, I would say rather is worse than brit... and for that matter, anyone at the networks.
Originally posted by GoKents
Well your post is actually the exact opposite of what I expected... (I expected condensending hostilities... thanks for keeping cool.)

I like condescending hostilities, but I'm talking to an ex-girlfriend on AIM, so I've spent all of them.

toyota highlander... (but I would rather not have an suv at all... I drive a camry)

Mmm... Camry.

Also, trust me dude, the more you get to know of me, the more you will see that Im not a true independant, but I am a liberal conservative. (As I know myself better than you do, even with the 5000 words worth of ranting you have read of my beliefs from various political threads)

Point is, simply saying that Im not a liberal conservative is not enough to support your claim that you know I am not one.

Yeah well. I'm not actually going to go find those threads (perhaps they don't exist. :odd:), I'll just let your future posts determine a new opinion of you.

Although I do like the fact you picked up my offer and asked a question... feel free to ask more. (I dont mind)

I don't have more. I actually like your analysis of gay marriage/Bush tax cut - pitch it to Bush, he might come out in support of gay marriage. :lol:

Btw, I would say rather is worse than brit... and for that matter, anyone at the networks.

During the 2000 election, he made a comment similar to "quicker then a frog with handguns" and turned me away from him forever. Now I only watch cable news.

I like your post...

At first when I showed up at gtp I thought we would oppose each other too much to see anything positive about one anothers post...

With that in mind, I must say, a new philosophy is in order.

Hence, I will only be forming opinions on you based on future post, just as you had said above.

I would have qouted it, but just didnt think to do it at first.

Anyway, thanks for being reasonable and Im glad you like my gay marriage point. lol.

Its funny that you mention liberal conservatives..i've always used that term about myself..Liberal on personal liberty and very conservative on economics and foreign policy, that being said and getting back to this test., its the second time I've taken a test like this and both times with similar results. I think the test is flawed.
It’s really very simple to explain the general roots of the bias of these tests. While liberalism is by design ever evolving, in this country, whose politics are which the test is based on, liberalism is still associated with greater rights civil rights and tolerance, but the characterizations of conservatism, the negative ones, which still exists in some conservatives and root back decades, remains in many people’s definition of conservatism. It’s no longer accurate, I believe, in describing what most people who call themselves conservatives. The test is less applicable in modern context. Simply put, it maintains a falsehood, other than the traditional devotion to religion and the charity that one does in its name, if you’re a conservative you are probably an insensitive bigot with the intelligence of a gnat. And gnats are probably more logical. But, if you are a liberal, you are an intelligent and selfless individual whom will be beloved by many. Europeans will clamor to show how much they are in awe of you. I think it may be disingenuous for many in Europe to claim that bias toward American conservatives and Republicans is not a large reason for dislike of President Bush. However, I do acknowledge the affect his actions have had on perception of him.

In other words, the test is a way for leftists to remind themselves of their self perceived notion of being the "enlightened" ones.