Talladega Nights

  • Thread starter =V8 Power=
Conclusion: Epic movie.

If you haven't seen it: GO NOW.

Will Ferrel isn't funny.
I'll side with 555.

Minimal funny parts. Not much to laugh at, overall very boring. Almost fell asleep. Won't watch it a second time. In fact, it'll end up out in the garage DVD player. Right there with Cars.
Wow, and I thought that I was the only one who thought Will Ferrell is an annoying moron. I've never seen a movie that wasn't brought down by his presence on screen, like his bit part in Wedding Crashers. Even Starsky & Hutch, which was totally forgettable and only moderately funny at all, got much worse when Ferrell did his bizarre 'gay-dragon-convict' thing, for no comprehensible reason, in the middle of it. He overacts every part to such an extent that even the absurdity itself isn't funny. He makes Rob Schneider look like a comedy genius.

In fact, I think I'll rank Will Ferrell as second only to Martin Lawrence on the scale of Alleged Comedy Actors Who Are Just Plain NOT FUNNY.
I think Will Ferrel Is brilliant! Have you seen Saturday Night Live with him? He's really good in that. A Night at Roxburys is one of my favorite comedy sketches ever. See it if you haven't and you might change your mind...
I've seen the SNL best of Will Ferrell because my niece asked for it for Christmas last year. I was actually embarrassed at how stupid he was. It was almost painful to watch.
Wow, and I thought that I was the only one who thought Will Ferrell is an annoying moron. I've never seen a movie that wasn't brought down by his presence on screen, like his bit part in Wedding Crashers. Even Starsky & Hutch, which was totally forgettable and only moderately funny at all, got much worse when Ferrell did his bizarre 'gay-dragon-convict' thing, for no comprehensible reason, in the middle of it. He overacts every part to such an extent that even the absurdity itself isn't funny. He makes Rob Schneider look like a comedy genius.

In fact, I think I'll rank Will Ferrell as second only to Martin Lawrence on the scale of Alleged Comedy Actors Who Are Just Plain NOT FUNNY.
You most certainly are not alone, I haven't watched Talledega nights all the way though, I made it to about 25 or 20 minuets and then turned it off. I didn't find it funny at all.
The one and only exception to Will Ferrell's movies, is "Elf" which I've managed to enjoy more than once.

Other than that, nope.
I saw it last night. Didn't have a whole lot of funny parts, but it was still 3,000 times better than Ron Burgundy's idiocy.

The french guy (Sacha Baron) showed his humour in a lot of 1 liners. :lol:
Yeah, the movie looks hilarious. Will Ferrell can be one of the funniest actors around, if he has the right role. This looks like one of them.
I agree with this guy, except for the last part. I did see the movie in the cheap cinema finally, few weeks back. It had it's moments, but no where near consistent enough to be a good comedy. Final scene, I was just rolling my eyes. How is that funny? I just didn't get it.

I didn't like Ferrell in any of the works you guys mentioned. He was great in SNL at times, but I also have that SNL Will Ferrell DVD and it's not that great(excluding that Science show bit. hilarious). Come to think of it, I think he was somewhat consistent in "Old School", but that might be about it. Kicking and Screaming, Talladega, Anchor Man, I thought he was little bit funny in those.

When he "plays" an a-hole or psycho on talkshows though, he is hilarious. :lol:
I saw it last night. (Did it really have to be unrated? there wasnt anything typically that made it bad) anywhoo, the movie wasn't near as funny as anchorman. Anchorman can make me laugh from start to finish, and the laughter was spotty in this one. The product placement was hillarious though, especially when he's saying grace.
I watched the movie a few days back, and I loved it. I'm not sure if it is because I am a NASCAR fan, but I pretty much was laughing through the entire movie. I love Will Ferrell in pretty much anything he does (his character in Jay and Silent Bob remains a favorite), Ricky Bobby included.

The amount of one-liners was pretty damn good, and the NASCAR jokes were great.

...But I think that if you aren't a NASCAR fan, or even a casual viewer of the sport, chances are that you aren't going to understand a whole lot of the movie...
Out of all of the great Will Ferrell movies over the years, this is the best. Quotes from Talladega Nights will be in my every day vocabulary till the day I die (hope I get to 245, maybe 300).
Shake 'n Bake.

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