TARGA FLORIA as a new precedence?

  • Thread starter Saladine12
PGR2 set a precedent for all future racing games(consoles) with the advent of the Nurburgring Nordchleife track.

We now see the track in most games in some sort of configuration one way or another.

So, it's been done to hell, it's had the exposure, maybe it's time for another unique track to start setting a new trend.

TARGA FLORIO would be the ideal track not only for it's sheer length but for it's role in the history of motorsport.

For the uninitiated, the track in it's early days was around 450,150,70km long depending on configurations.

Being a very long track, point to point races would obviously be the logical solution.

This thread is not about track wish lists, but the idea of setting precedences and GT would be the ideal medium to do this.

Any thoughts on this?
GT set a precedent for all future racing games with the advent of the Nurburgring Nordchleife track.

We now see the track in most games in some sort of configuration one way or another.

Other games featured the Nordschleife before GT, most notable for me being PGR2, fantastic fun offline or on... In fact GT's version of the track was the third I ventured out onto in a video game...

So GT wasn't setting any precedents!
Other games featured the Nordschleife before GT, most notable for me being PGR2, fantastic fun offline or on... In fact GT's version of the track was the third I ventured out onto in a video game...

So GT wasn't setting any precedents!
Thanks, fixed.
Great idea Saladine12, I too would love to see classic road race events from eras gone by. The Targa Florio, the original Carerra Panamerica, the Mille Miglia and others. I'd love to see a real spotlight shine on some of the historic races that shaped motoring and motor-racing as we see it today.

I fear though that those stories should be left to a whole new game. Gran Turismo Classique anyone?
We won't see the Mille Miglia for an extremely long time, if they want to make it a whole track that is. I can't imagine how much processing power that would require! Not to mention actually just mapping the whole thing!

This thread is not about track wish lists, but the idea of setting precedences and GT would be the ideal medium to do this.

Ok, I don't really see where the difference in discussion is here, this will no doubt turn into a track wishlist.

And, yeah, its the Targa Florio not Floria.
They said that about Nordschliefe with the PS2, but PD did it... I say nothing is impossible with the PS3...
Correcting a bit more... the honour of introducing the Nordschleife to the game world belongs to Grand Prix Legends released in 1998, a good five years before PGR2.

About Targa Florio, yes please. At least as the 72 km version used in the later years.
Correcting a bit more... the honour of introducing the Nordschleife to the game world belongs to Grand Prix Legends released in 1998, a good five years before PGR2.

About Targa Florio, yes please. At least as the 72 km version used in the later years.
Good old GPL.
I was actually referring to console gaming but hey, either way, think of the hysteria(or not) behind such a task being accomplished!
They said that about Nordschliefe with the PS2, but PD did it... I say nothing is impossible with the PS3...

Yeah...but we're talking about a race which took over 10 hours to complete (Mille Miglia I'm referring to here) in its last race! This is beyond Nurburgring lengths.
Even the Targa Florio took over 30 minutes for one lap, compared to the current Nurburgring lap record of 7 minutes.

It's not just a limit by processing power, but also manpower. Especially with how much detail PD goes into!
Yeah...but we're talking about a race which took over 10 hours to complete (Mille Miglia I'm referring to here) in its last race! This is beyond Nurburgring lengths.
Even the Targa Florio took over 30 minutes for one lap, compared to the current Nurburgring lap record of 7 minutes.

It's not just a limit by processing power, but also manpower. Especially with how much detail PD goes into!
Well, as i stated in my post, this would be an ideal time for Polyphony to introduce P2P races. By Recreating the track into equal sections, it will allow for the whole course to be played on, (howbeit not at once), but at least we get to taste something unique.
I fear though that those stories should be left to a whole new game. Gran Turismo Classique anyone?

that would be very cool. they wouldnt even need to create anything except some new cars and tracks. very doable i would imagine. old watkins glen would be another one. in fact, all older configurations. and limit the cars to...1975ish and older? i say its a great idea.
Well if the rumoured bikes appear in GT5, I'd be wanting the full Isle of Man TT course. Has that been in any other games yet? I do agree that mapping a really challenging and long historic course would be a big draw to the game, but maybe only for the hardcore game racers among us! I can't imagine the casual player having the patience of learning a 50km+ track...
NFS: Porsche Unleashed although as arcade as they come, was the one that got me hook on racing games. It also introduced me to the world of online racing. The tracks on it although mostly fictional, are based on european road. There's Corsica and of course the Autobahn. I wouldn't mind a section of the Autobahn (without the traffic, of course). We definitely need a long straight course that built purely for speed.
^Utah Salt flats?

Targa Florio would be wonderful indeed! And having it cut up in sections is of course one way to go, but there would have to be a whole curcuit mode as well!
Correcting a bit more... the honour of introducing the Nordschleife to the game world belongs to Grand Prix Legends released in 1998, a good five years before PGR2.

About Targa Florio, yes please. At least as the 72 km version used in the later years.

Yeah, it would be impossible for PD (or anyone else) to model the entire course in its longer days unless it were fudged and fictionalized to some extent. There would be areas that could be easily researched (via photographs, film, and road blueprints) but other areas where research & development would inevitably get stuck because not many people are around who could lend a hand in detailing from memory. In any event, getting Nurburgring into a videogame is far easier since the course is still used to this day, and is not a public road like Targa was.

I'm not sure if any race driver managed to get a camera in their car for the entire course (or a good portion of it) but this would be the best way for things to happen.
I actually wouldn't mind a full 15 day race for the Dakar, but it'll never happen, sadly....

I wouldn't mind the Targa Florio. I know it was a Porsche Ownage ground for a while. So yeah, it'd be nice. although i don't think it'd be too popular amongst people. The 'Schliefe is one thing. the Florio, at 72km, is entirely another. I know i couldn't even be bothered to memorize it. it'd be nigh on crazy to actually do that.

And then....to top it off....IMAGINE....the LICENSE TEST....*shudders*...to attempt it, and then fail by less than a second, and have to do it all again...I think i'd tear my hair out. Because you KNOW PD would proobably add a test for it in the S license or something.
I actually wouldn't mind a full 15 day race for the Dakar, but it'll never happen, sadly....

I wouldn't mind the Targa Florio. I know it was a Porsche Ownage ground for a while. So yeah, it'd be nice. although i don't think it'd be too popular amongst people. The 'Schliefe is one thing. the Florio, at 72km, is entirely another. I know i couldn't even be bothered to memorize it. it'd be nigh on crazy to actually do that.

And then....to top it off....IMAGINE....the LICENSE TEST....*shudders*...to attempt it, and then fail by less than a second, and have to do it all again...I think i'd tear my hair out. Because you KNOW PD would proobably add a test for it in the S license or something.

I find all the full-course tests (Infinion in PT Cruiser, Nurburgring in Mercedes 190E,, Laguna Seca in Citroen, Costa in the Peugeot, Trail Mountain in the Mazda6, etc) rather easy in GT4. All it takes is a good (but not great) knowledge of these courses. The rest is just staying on the track, running a reasonably good lap, and not hitting that damn pace car! I always pass these with lots of time to spare

The hardest full-course GT4 test to gold is that B-license test at Tsukuba in the MINI, matter of fact. And this is mostly because the damn TCS is activated like a tripwire! :scared: Citta di Aria in the Alfa is also a bit nerve-racking, but mostly cuz of the narrow walls, not the actual course itself.
I find all the full-course tests (Infinion in PT Cruiser, Nurburgring in Mercedes 190E,, Laguna Seca in Citroen, Costa in the Peugeot, Trail Mountain in the Mazda6, etc) rather easy in GT4. All it takes is a good (but not great) knowledge of these courses. The rest is just staying on the track, running a reasonably good lap, and not hitting that damn pace car! I always pass these with lots of time to spare

The hardest full-course GT4 test to gold is that B-license test at Tsukuba in the MINI, matter of fact. And this is mostly because the damn TCS is activated like a tripwire! :scared: Citta di Aria in the Alfa is also a bit nerve-racking, but mostly cuz of the narrow walls, not the actual course itself.

Perhaps you don't understand the sheer length of the tracks we are talking about.
Targa Florio had 30 minute+ lap times and Mille Miglia took 10 hours to complete. Are you seriously saying you'd find that easy to learn and have the patience to re-try several times? I don't think anyone would bother, I don't think PD would consider such long circuits for a S-licence test, or rather, I hope they don't!

I didn't find Nurburgring that bad either, but that circuit is a little exaggerated in how hard it is to remember, I found it very easy to memorise...but memorising half of Italy's public roads is another matter!
i think you gotta understand something about the Targa first. It was run on Sicilian public highways and it was more on the lines of a tarmac rally coarse than a race track. But i'll agree that a 45k lap is a bit much. There are times i hesitate to do a Nurburgring lap (im lazy) in GT4 or Forza2, i know of very few people that would want to this once. I think stick to the classics and important circuits that are abit shorter.

The furthest i would ask GT to go bringing back tracks we dont have no more, it would be circuits like Montjuich GP Park and Hockenheim (No the real one).

The only thing i would even consider, is the Isle of Man TT coarse for Tourist Trophy. I think it is important and current enough to be included. The game is named after the place, that should mean something.
Well, there was a Mille Miglia game on PSone, but that point is somehow obsolete :D

However, both Targa Florio and Mille Miglia are somehow "too much streaming" in terms of how GT series graphics engine works.

But, Isle of Man COULD be done - maybe - but only with serious copy/paste of houses around the track. And even then, there would be smarties who would complain about carboard trees and that trees have 160.000.000 polygons in ___________________ (insert name of the game) on X360.
We won't see the Mille Miglia for an extremely long time, if they want to make it a whole track that is. I can't imagine how much processing power that would require! Not to mention actually just mapping the whole thing!

Ok, I don't really see where the difference in discussion is here, this will no doubt turn into a track wishlist.

And, yeah, its the Targa Florio not Floria.
Processing power wouldn't be a problem. Memory, perhaps, but Polyphony could possibly implement a way of streaming the track in real-time.
I am actually pretty sure Grand Prix Legends from 1998 was the first game to feature the Nordschleife.

Also, I'd rather have the Isle of Man TT track rather than Targa Florio (not Floria).
Isle of Man TT would be great if bikes were in the game. Suzuki TT Superbikes for the PS2 did it back in '05 and physics were so much better than Tourist Trophy.