I can't see any problem with an online event if tunes / setups are posted, then people can buy the car and dial in the setup themselves, there's so much crazy money to be earnt so easily on Seasonal events it'd be easy to buy the car(s).
If it was a used car, then it can be duped, I got over 3500+ cars on 7 ID's, I stockpile most useful used cars, not a problem to send one, or many.
But, I understand if that's deemed to much hassle, so won't make a fuss about it being rejected - no worrres...
One other thing, I recently changed from a pad to a G27, I've noticed how useless my pad setups are on the G27, spennding much time having to change them.
This is my point with these competitions - looking at previous competitions, why on earth is no-one quoting whether setup was done on pad or wheel AND (if so) what steering sensitivity was used.
I know guys who race with minimum (-2) and others who race maximum (+7) sensitivty. Someome who tunes a car one of them and (hyperthetically) creates a perfect setup, gives it to the other guy it'll be useless. Not because of the setup, but the sensitivity.
When someone enters a car / setup, they need to quote what sensitivty they used so they guys doing the testing can run the same sensitivty and test the car on equal settings.
Someone setting up a car using -2, gives it to a guy using +7 it'll oversteer like crazy, vica versa, it'd understeer like crazy. Even differences between wheel and pad can make or break a setup.
Compare a setup for someone who brakes and accelerates aggressively, to someone who trail brakes and feathers the thottle is pointless - no setup can cater for both, they are fundamentally different.
I think there should be more "user" data / info displayed - if only to keep things "fair" and equal...and I guess, "politically correct" - which is a first for me