• Thread starter Duman079
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Haha for heavens sake... Jesus Christ...

Eddy and Dean, we will talk about this " conflict" , but not on the team thread. All I can say is that you aren't in a good posision at the moment eddy. We have to wait what Lukas will say. He wanted you in the team.

Once again do not reply about this subject , we will talk about this in a chat.

Over to some news ; GT5 Spec II is up next week... And the week after that the DLC...
Hold on !! Spec II brings us .... Not 10 but 11 NASCARS! Now thats what I call necessairy.
I heard that it was next week? Although i also heard it was the 3rd week of october X_x. Anyway, we waited sooo long that , that one week doesn't matter.

Maybe its not good to say this but PD is pretty stupid, they made GT5 a platinum game and now the DLC is coming. They could better make a special edition for a lower price but not that cheap lol, just like the CoD games. It would sell anyway.also the DLC is coming in 2 3 weeks and no one know whats coming... How do they expect people to buy it if there is no info.

The first week of October only consisted of the 1st and 2nd. (Saturday and Sunday) So Duman you're right with the 3rd week.
Im very excited. The new nascars are fun. But there are like... 2 official NASCAR tracks lol... So in my opinion in stead of those 11, new courses would be better.

Im not complaining though, the other features are great.
yeah the new features are great except for that one that reads "11 new nascar models" but sounds like "one new model with 11 textures variations" or even "just 11 new textures for the old nascar model" :P
This just bugs me you know and it makes me feel like they are fooling us all with it!!

Edit: I think deenie wanted to bring more views and posts into the thread by his post lol
Haha I was LMAO when I saw that cheese.. Especially because here in Holland we call dutch people CheeseHeads. I live here but Im not a cheesehead lol.

Hes the jesus of GTP lol, you can't blame him on doing anything wrong lol.
Thats what My english teacher says to me. "Edward Your really cheesing me off"

But don't get me wrong. Only teachers and family call Me Edward haha. The lads is Powell and the girls is Eddie.
Thats what My english teacher says to me. "Edward Your really cheesing me off"

But don't get me wrong. Only teachers and family call Me Edward haha. The lads is Powell and the girls is Eddie.

No the lads call you Powell and the girls scream for more PMSL.
If the update is on the 11th then its the first week of October.
Just looked at the front page, trust it to be on a Tuesday i.e. I won't be in until 6pm.

Double edit while i'm on a roll - Turns out it's not all hush hush,Theres loads of mods for LFS, I'll give it a go tomorrow if you can use them with S1.
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lego, mecano, K-nex, technic! I had them all I reckon :)

The things I used make with them were gas especially when I used end up making things out of bits of them all together.

I used hardly ever make the stuff you were suppose to make with the sets though, lol.
lego, mecano, K-nex, technic! I had them all I reckon :)

The things I used make with them were gas especially when I used end up making things out of bits of them all together.

I used hardly ever make the stuff you were suppose to make with the sets though, lol.

I had all that too lol. Gas? I hope you mean cars :lol: