As a preimium member you should know how to use GTPlanet SeanWelland.
The last time I'm asking, stop post boosting and take your trash somewhere else. If you don't like us or talk about GT5/GTP in this thread there is no reason to stay here,this is no social media site. However your hate only makes us stronger.
If you would have a "life" like you mentioned above on this page, you would have stopped way earlier and wouldn't talk about boys who just play a game, have fun are live somewhere else on the world. Teach people how they should start a drift team on GTPlanter maybe then you'll get a real serious life, if that is what you mean with having a life.
As a premium member Duman, all i did was pay some hard earned money for a snazzy red name, bigger avatar (which i haven't taken advantage of yet) and some other little things - but as i've been on the forums for a year, i do know how to "use" them as you so put it.
Personally i don't see why you're complaining about "post boosting", keeping you at the top will let more people see your thread, that's what you want! That's what all threads want! - Also, not once ever have i said i dislike any of you. You lot can be fun to drift with, it's just a pain without the mics since our team is used to conversing differently to yours. - The talk about photoshop was in relation to common interest if you read Gauz and Eddys posts, i wasn't just posting my picture up willy nilly (Means "For the sake of it" not sure if you will have heard the saying before).
Powells knock at members of D-max due to their inactivity was uncalled for, he knows about certains members inability to attend due to personal matters. D-Max are a small, close group of friends now, even if we were all online we would probably only hit 11 (Myself, Nate, Chris, McGlone, Jimmy, Alex, James, Kariim, hyc, Cerebus, kotkas...) - All of which either have full time jobs, college/school or both. Due to my current stage of unemployment i actually have time to lurk forums and do the things that others don't have time for, but that doesn't mean i sit on GT5 all of the time soley to push my drift performance up a notch above the rest. I have friends i go out with, i have family to care for. By life i was emphasising a social life outside of GT5. Powell mentioned that you have 10 people on at a time in comparison to our 4 to which i pushed at it like there are more people on your team that have nothing to better to do in comparison to ours, rather than the fact your team has more members than ours.
Rant over - if a mod deletes this it's ok, it'll be saved in notepad and swiftly posted into the D-Max thread and put on our mantel piece.
Cheers, - SeanWelland.