Team Dark Side Official Thread

  • Thread starter Nickrows
TDS is finished? ..
Expected this team to last til GT Sport aleast..

This is OG btw (opt1mum_g4m3r)

Lost my old account with my ps3 being fried so new psn account on ps4: ua_94_

Add me up, except Neck-it, I won't accept nutbush. ;)

Nice to see you OG, hope your doing well bro, Haha nutbush.. poor neck! I'm seldom on these days, a post here and there, turned my attention to other games. Fm6 and a bunch of other ps4 , Xbox one titles. Maybe I'll pop on now and again for a drag. I'll be sure to look out for y'all. See y'all around. Take care ;)
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Pretty much just trolling now. Just slap some nos on a tune, stretch out 6th and really never got beat it's bad out there LOL
Pretty much just trolling now. Just slap some nos on a tune, stretch out 6th and really never got beat it's bad out there LOL
Most people who used to drag have all moved over to either PS4 or Xbox one. i am hoping that there will be competition on GT7 and/or GT Sport to see if the drag community will be alive and competitive as it once was back in GT5.
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This is what I've been doing while awa from GTPlanet and Gran Turismo. I found a new gaming interest / addiction. My currently owned ships over in Elite Dangerous Xbox One. This game rocks. I'm now a Broker in trade rank, a Expert in combat rank. :D Loving the game. Wish more of you guys would join us over on xbox one. This game is virtually getting better and better. Soon we will be able to land on planets, have multicrew and avatar character customization, have smaller ships on bigger ships, have little rovers to for planet reconnaissance. I'm loving it.

Faulcon DeLacy Cobra MkIII small ship. Cost m 349,000 CR basic ship. With outfitting 7,000,000 CR currently. Could carry 40 tons of imperial slaves lol. But best as an all round combat fighter and little bit of cargo capacity.


Lakon Explorer As Explorer. Medium Ship. Has been my cargo trading ship and has made my 60,000,000 so far. Its the best ship for exploring the the 400,000,000,000 stars in Elite Dangerous. So generous mileage. She cost me 5,600,000 stock and is worth 2,000,000 currently in outfitting. Can be outfitted with 50,000,000 Mill worth of upgrades though. So costly. Also a good all round ship.

Stay tuned I'm soon to buy a new Ship, the Python. Watch This Space LOL ;)

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This is what I've been doing while awa from GTPlanet and Gran Turismo. I found a new gaming interest / addiction. My currently owned ships over in Elite Dangerous Xbox One. This game rocks. I'm now a Broker in trade rank, a Expert in combat rank. :D Loving the game. Wish more of you guys would join us over on xbox one. This game is virtually getting better and better. Soon we will be able to land on planets, have multicrew and avatar character customization, have smaller ships on bigger ships, have little rovers to for planet reconnaissance. I'm loving it.

Faulcon DeLacy Cobra MkIII small ship. Cost m 349,000 CR basic ship. With outfitting 7,000,000 CR currently. Could carry 40 tons of imperial slaves lol. But best as an all round combat fighter and little bit of cargo capacity.


Lakon Explorer As Explorer. Medium Ship. Has been my cargo trading ship and has made my 60,000,000 so far. Its the best ship for exploring the the 400,000,000,000 stars in Elite Dangerous. So generous mileage. She cost me 5,600,000 stock and is worth 2,000,000 currently in outfitting. Can be outfitted with 50,000,000 Mill worth of upgrades though. So costly. Also a good all round ship.

Stay tuned I'm soon to buy a new Ship, the Python. Watch This Space LOL ;)

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Glad to see you're doing good bro.
Glad to see you're doing good bro.

Heres just some information on Elite Dangerous if you don't know much about it. If you love space sims you should buy this. I didn't like or play space sims until i played this.

Jeeze what can you do. A lot. Explore the universe, trade commodities, a virtually endless list... You work for it some you don.t You can buy from or sell at certain systems in the universe and other places far away will pay generously or closer they might too.

You can mine, their is also trading, delivering, courier or smuggling. Their is a black market for illegal good imports and exports. Their is assassination missions requiring combat for wanted people who have bounties on their head.

The powerplay element is huge and complex and each power has a lore and history to it. What they are trying to achieve is control and power of systems, Expanding, fortifying, expansion and control and exploitation of systems.

In power play if you join a power you will have enemies. I joined an Empire. You can choose to undermine or deliver deeds and political prisoners. You can go to enemy systems and undermine it to try take control. Each ship you take out is 30 points which is 30 merits.

Their are empire ranks you can achieve. Rank 1 - rank 5. How many merits you keep up by the end of each power play cycle every thurs, is tallied up your rank and you awarded bonuses with different powers these are different. In some powers you will get 5% profits on bounties, or 5% profits when trading in your powers controlled or exploited systems.

Rank 4 is where i keep up 1500 merits a week and maintain a salary of 5,000,000. The other ways are through delivering deeds or trade agreements and stuff like that which give you less than 30 points. Maybe delivering deeds for your power will give you 25 merits.

Their are a zillion minor factions or factions. I don't even understand the whole lore around the power play. You have a Commander rank, a combat rank, a trade rank, an explorer rank, an imperial rank which is if your allied to empire or federation rank is like policing or navy rank ships. You need to do missions that earn you imperial or federation to be able to buy the federation or imperial ships.

Soon we will be getting Horizons where their will be planets you can land on where there will be engineers that will bring more customization to weapons and mods for weapons. At the moment we can't tweak or modify individually fitted parts on our ship. But we will be able to soon. Their are numerous sites dedicated Elite dangerous. You can even get famous, by taking part in the Fuel rats. If your stranded out in space and need rescuing cause run out of fuel. They have guys that will come out and rescue you.

Their will soon be huge ships which can carry smaller combat or scout ships. Their will be multi-crews where you all have a thing to do on the ship. You can have land rovers to explore worlds you land on. This Horizons expansion is only on PC but is coming to xbox soon.

Their are groups of guys like a minor faction that goes after pirates, real Commander pirates who like picking on anyone anywhere and killing people, you can call them to put a bounty on them, they are PBSF i think. Their are loads of others too. Just check out Inara elite dangerous, google it. Their is even radio stations.

SO yeah their is so much to do. I think you would love the game. The goal is working your way up ranks to buy better ships so your more a boss than before like a king lol, also so you can explore worlds and you just might be the first to discovery a distant world. You can hand in that information of discovery and earn money for it. Plus that planet will have your name on it that you discovered it. But most systems in the near bubble of space where haven been discovered. But thousands and maybe millions haven't Thats why traveling to outer reaches of the milky way galaxy is a feat to accomplish and some never make it back.
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hello all, it is me Nissan380z. not sure if you remember me but I was indeed part of Team Darkside. Drag racing was so fun with you guys. will you be getting gt sport?
Hello all. Hope everyone is still alive, safe and well what with all the world events this 2017.

I don't know what you guys been doing all this time but I played xbox and elite dangerous then got bored.

My folks then helped me buy a new gaming pc which i been playing ETS, ATS, Assassins Creed: Rogue, Tomb Raider, Car Mechanic Simulator.

I then downloaded FH3 as it's now a MS free to play anywhere title so I just play that, Forza Apex, or Forza 7 Ult on the pc now at 2k res 60FPS.

I just downloaded the GT Sport demo. I've been impressed by the graphics at 2k on the ps4 pro. Not so impressed with the engine sounds. No upgrades but I'll reserve judgement there as I only heard sounds through demo races that play in the main menu.

I've only had chance to view the cars in showroom so far. Haven't done any racing yet. I'm not sure I'll be buying this game yet so guess we'll see.

I'll probably be playing FM7, and the new Assasins Creed Origins when it releases. @a3picGamer47 look forward to us trying to beat each other's time in FM7 haha! ;) Anyway guys speak soon. Safe.
Hello all. Hope everyone is still alive, safe and well what with all the world events this 2017.

I don't know what you guys been doing all this time but I played xbox and elite dangerous then got bored.

My folks then helped me buy a new gaming pc which i been playing ETS, ATS, Assassins Creed: Rogue, Tomb Raider, Car Mechanic Simulator.

I then downloaded FH3 as it's now a MS free to play anywhere title so I just play that, Forza Apex, or Forza 7 Ult on the pc now at 2k res 60FPS.

I just downloaded the GT Sport demo. I've been impressed by the graphics at 2k on the ps4 pro. Not so impressed with the engine sounds. No upgrades but I'll reserve judgement there as I only heard sounds through demo races that play in the main menu.

I've only had chance to view the cars in showroom so far. Haven't done any racing yet. I'm not sure I'll be buying this game yet so guess we'll see.

I'll probably be playing FM7, and the new Assasins Creed Origins when it releases. @a3picGamer47 look forward to us trying to beat each other's time in FM7 haha! ;) Anyway guys speak soon. Safe.

Hello wraith its honestly pretty refreshing seeing someone still post on here Hope all is well, Ronbow63.
It's on like Donkey Kong girl scout @wraith of horus, XD. Also, what does everyone think of GTS. Havent got it just yet but looks promising.

Yeah it's really pretty good. I'm enjoying it. Haven't driven all my 28 cars yet. Haven't even driven the Porsche gt3. I completed the first 9 beginners lessons today for breaking and cornering. That was pretty fun. I posted on in my life log that i purchased two sets of wheels with mileage points but I can't fit any in the editor. I'm at level 11 so not sure what other achievements needed before I unlock the wheels. I want to fit new wheels.

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