Team Dynasty | Drifting To Perfection

LOL whatever makes you happy child.
I know this isn't necessarily my place as I'm on neither team but it seems to me that you're the one being the child here. Clearly you weren't there I'm sure we've all established that so what sort of insight could you possibly have besides a 100% biased view provided by your team. No duh your mad because your team probably came back whining and complaining about bias. That's where the immaturity comes in. Your fighting a fight with no possible knowledge as to what went on and your believing every word your team says as if they're going to unbiased after having just lost. Everyone's blowing this way out of proportion for no reason because people are sore winners and loser so for the love of God everyone grow up and leave it on the track.
I know this isn't necessarily my place as I'm on neither team but it seems to me that you're the one being the child here. Clearly you weren't there I'm sure we've all established that so what sort of insight could you possibly have besides a 100% biased view provided by your team. No duh your mad because your team probably came back whining and complaining about bias. That's where the immaturity comes in. Your fighting a fight with no possible knowledge as to what went on and your believing every word your team says as if they're going to unbiased after having just lost. Everyone's blowing this way out of proportion for no reason because people are sore winners and loser so for the love of God everyone grow up and leave it on the track.
there was a video posted of the run i was talking about, so obviously wasn't being bias or using my teammates info, i was stating what you call realism, so on that fastfox and Eric agree'd.

To be honest that would have been a 0-0 run. Point blank.
that comes right back at you because in public comps all of the Dynasty members i've seen crashed and burned which includes oldford4x4, he wanted to join me but his skill was only drifting grass, isabelle was completely worthless especially in that bmw convert. Even your co leader Mrdevil coundn't do the first turn on Madrid after more than 5 trys in a m3, funny just watching him spin all the time.
I would like to see you drift. Today maybe?
there was a video posted of the run i was talking about, so obviously wasn't being bias or using my teammates info, i was stating what you call realism, so on that fastfox and Eric agree'd.
So basically you're crying and complaining over one run and you lost 3-1. Sounds to me like you're still admitting you lost then so why all the hate? Ignoring that run its still 2-1 dynasty so what's it matter you still weren't ahead. Granted there would've been more runs but its not like it was all tied up and a questionable call was made, you were losing and it made you lose just that much more
So basically you're crying and complaining over one run and you lost 3-1. Sounds to me like you're still admitting you lost then so why all the hate? Ignoring that run its still 2-1 dynasty so what's it matter you still weren't ahead. Granted there would've been more runs but its not like it was all tied up and a questionable call was made, you were losing and it made you lose just that much more
technically it was 3-2 because jman and nitto won. That one round would of changed alot.
technically it was 3-2 because jman and nitto won. That one round would of changed alot.
From my understanding that 2nd run win was post end of comp. Why would someone go all out when it doesn't matter. Its a cool down run of sorts for fun. I see your point but given it wasn't for a real point and the adrenaline wasn't going its hardly something to take into account. If the rematch happens so be it the winner wins and what happens happens but until then I can say with near 100% certainty, and I'm sure the forum will agree with me, your team lost. Move and and see it as a learning experience and a new point to strive for. Your making yourself look like a joke whether you believe it or not. It looks like your a smaller team calling out a bigger team for your 15 minutes in the lime light. Prove us all wrong if you can but until then I think it's probably for the best if you just dtop it and save face.
Turn up on AAO.
Hey turbo ive been looking at the thread on the Dynasty page, and to be honest you need to stop.Your making the team look bad futhermore are reputation you said it yourself you dont tolorate zero ******** yet here we are.
they continued, so did I.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was talking to myself. When I suggested that whatever nonsense is going on here to stop, it wasn't an invitation to continue bickering about whatever it is you're all bickering about.

So, again, stop. If I have to respond to this thread again it won't be nearly as composed as this.
Right, I'm going to try to make it to this next week. Sounds like a good team v team event so good luck to AAO.
trying to patch up the hole between the teams guys so please feel free to help me out :cheers:
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tbh i really don't know, ghost never gave a confirmed answer. From what im hearing it's sunday next week.

I think nitto arranged with dynasty this sunday.
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