Team Dynasty | Drifting To Perfection

Last time I checked daud a cool 80% of the team dislikes you, the fact that Ghost wants you back and isn't discussing it with the rest of us is an issue, but, this display of immature action done by Austin, and how you reacted to it here furthers my disinterest. You may have Matt by the balls but that doesn't mean you can be an ass to the rest of us.
Last time I checked daud a cool 80% of the team dislikes you, the fact that Ghost wants you back and isn't discussing it with the rest of us is an issue, but, this display of immature action done by Austin, and how you reacted to it here furthers my disinterest. You may have Matt by the balls but that doesn't mean you can be an ass to the rest of us.
Please explain
PM people! Be smart and go to a PM!

@MRDEVIL @MadFlavour
Hey man no ones fighting, that's what he craves.
Please explain
If you left the team what twice now, and this abuse has brought itself to you once again, why don't you stay gone? Pretty sure it's not gonna stop 1, 2 you can hit the entire world with the I don't cares but if you actually didnt, you wouldn't have posted that let alone look at this thread.

What I'm saying is, please, go away.
Hey man no ones fighting, that's what he craves.
And that's why you wrong. One doesn't need to fight to write a PM. It prevents arguments/discussion and whatnot in one's thread like the one above, which in my opinion

doesn't look pretty. Comments like these aren't needed to be seen by the crowed.

Of course, at the end of the day, this is my point of view
Erm the last time I spoke to the guy is over a month ago so how can I have possibly encouraged what he put. Look at the date.

I've had like 3 of your members spam me with messages since I left and slander in lobbies. Yet I said nothing, I can post that too if you would like that
Intruding? Heheheh

If I am/was ''intruding others' threads'' what are you doing right now? :odd: :lol: Good one!

Well, have fun! ;)



GIve me some too!
Yup, intruding. Visiting and commenting on a thread is not intruding... That's what the hell the forums are for. You just don't visit, and... "comment"...