Upload some pics of vids on here to show me what u got and al add u to the team. Am just not getting any intrest in the team
If it makes you feel any better we haven't recruited anybody to SFX in months, but that's by design. Remember that quality is greater than quantity.
Be patient. 👍
Yes but when no one is intested you cant be picky lol
Those videos are amazing. I don't think I should really be a part of this team now because I am only going to bring you down.
I suck at drifting compared to you guys(I am referring to the videos)
Just wait till psn is back up and we will help you get better
That would be much appreciated. I am starting to look at some threads for tunes to help me a bit more.
Did I ever mention that I am using a DS3 controller. That really hurts my performance IMO.
Hopefully there will be a time when we are both on the PSN. When it comes on.
my advice is to have a team colour scheme tather than a car
green rims 👍👍
and matt black