Team GTPlanet: A MidnightChallenge "Proclamation".

  • Thread starter Acid X
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Is that turboed?

Yes. Turbo and ECU only.

Now i've added Boost upgrade# 1 and Port Polish #1, too, by selling all the Nitrous i had in my inventory...
Challenge me for whatever amount you have, and I'll make sure you win that much. I have more than 3 million that I don't really need, ya know.;)
kicknfawka808 Ford 86-93 Mustang LX - Hatch Back $4,900 vs sora Honda Garage Five Integra Drag Car $3,830,771 $500

Damn, wonder who'll win?
I'm SO PISSED right now. I just took my keyboard apart to clean it, and I couldn't even clean it due to the way Dell designed it. I can't get **** that falls between the keys out. I had to take out 14 or so screws, and I still have 7 sitting on my computer desk because they wouldn't screw back in right. It's a good thing they needed to use like 3 different sizes of screws. bastards.
Originally posted by Josh
I'm SO PISSED right now. I just took my keyboard apart to clean it, and I couldn't even clean it due to the way Dell designed it. I can't get **** that falls between the keys out. I had to take out 14 or so screws, and I still have 7 sitting on my computer desk because they wouldn't screw back in right. It's a good thing they needed to use like 3 different sizes of screws. bastards.


Dude, you've screwed up your Dell!
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Maybe you suck at keyboad cleaning? :confused:
I certainly suck at MNC.

You confused bastard.:lol:
I don't suck at seriously isn't cleanable unless I break a ****load oif plastic, or unless I use the dremell on it.:odd:
I just got challenged by a $600,000+ nw Integra Drag for slips, but got skeered, and declined it.:nervous:
Christ! That's 3 challenges for outrageous amounts in like 4 minutes. 1 for $10,000, one for $20,000, and one for $10,000 and slips!:eek: Back off ya beeyotches!
hey Josh, can i have 100,000 in cash? I need it to lower my'll have to challenge me though.
Pffft. You don't even need it as much as Cobra, and PR do...ya big poon.:odd::P
Now i only have 28 dollars....i just need 10,000 not to lower my networth, but in back-up money. Please...
oh yeh...don't worry about it then
i'm just going around trying to race for slips...d/w.