Team NEMESIS | *ORIGINAL* White Car Mob | Always Drama Free

  • Thread starter DGambino1
I have to try and watch what I put since AMG gave me a warning about a picture of my G27 hooked up infront of my toilet, so I need to make sure it won't get me but don't worry it will be funny and crazy.
Really? lol maybe they thought it was you saying the g27 is S:censored:T! lol
He had his pants round is ankles sat on the toilet lol, though it wasn't a revealing picture. Maybe that guy was strongly against seeing other men showing skin because god says it's bad :lol::lol:

Anyways @PUSH, I have no words...
Oh lol I never seen this... kinda glad I didn't... but anyways people are too sensitive!
This just in....we may have found Meihan... :D. Running it with @fcpmarcus @RICEFREAK @iPutWorkn

Let the mayhem begin...

For those wondering, it's at Stowe, at the top corner (the one most people skip). Initiate on the right, transition before the rumble strip on the left, wall ride the left wall (big angle), get your back tires onto the weird concrete patch, or dirt drop it, then head for the rumble strip waaaayyyy inside, and exit out of the corner.
Sorry guys I was getting upset with my kids being brats and making a mess that I never had a chance to really sit down and have some runs with you guys.
Last night was awesome. I actually had a blast in the wet, once I got use to it. Thank for the good slides guys.
I was eating my popcorn then you disapeared of the room lol, good runs with that S13 tho. You lost the Challenger party with @RICEFREAK @WingZeroCustom and some other guys, all those hamburgers drifting was so funny :lol:
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