Team NEMESIS | *ORIGINAL* White Car Mob | Always Drama Free

  • Thread starter DGambino1
Nice work @PUSH!!!

Getting the itch for some drifting again...

Dropped the motor in yesterday, just need to finish hooking up the alternator, rad, and all the plastic crap lol. So, hopefully (fingers crossed!!) done my car today, so I actually might be able to get on this week >.<
GT6 and PD drive me absolutely 🤬 bonkers!!

After a few months off, I got itch to drift again (thanks to @PUSH's vidoes too!). Been back two days, and I'm already feeling like pulling my hair out because of PD :lol:

At this point, I'm like, GT7 can't come fast enough....but then, I remember the release of 5 & 6, and I get really nervous haha.
GT6 and PD drive me absolutely 🤬 bonkers!!

After a few months off, I got itch to drift again (thanks to @PUSH's vidoes too!). Been back two days, and I'm already feeling like pulling my hair out because of PD :lol:

At this point, I'm like, GT7 can't come fast enough....but then, I remember the release of 5 & 6, and I get really nervous haha.
What did PD did to you this time? Watch out, we don't want you to be bald now, ight! ;)
I'd much rather spend my time playing some KotH with the Fam, experimenting with new cars/tunes with some of the old Sideways Saturday crew, or run a 10 car train in a missile lobby than waste my time with a team battle.

I saw you post this in the other thread Twitch. RIP Sideways Saturdays lol. Hopefully GT7 it will come back. Some of the funniest 🤬 happened in those rooms, and I made most of my PSN friends there.

Irish_Attitude getting people rustled, lotustech stories and going to the bathroom his with mic on, bighead being a hillbilly, fairlady yelling at me, M3on5ter and his philosophy, farmeagle (alien_wizard) that's all that needs to be said about him :lol:, and Gargoyle hosting. I miss those nights lol.

Old video I made with Sideways Saturday clips. Twitch you are in the black M3,and I think that might have been before you were in Nemesis? Gambino is in the white SLS in the one clip lol. I was awful on this video.. not much has change:banghead::lol:
I saw you post this in the other thread Twitch. RIP Sideways Saturdays lol. Hopefully GT7 it will come back. Some of the funniest 🤬 happened in those rooms, and I made most of my PSN friends there.

Irish_Attitude getting people rustled, lotustech stories and going to the bathroom his with mic on, bighead being a hillbilly, fairlady yelling at me, M3on5ter and his philosophy, farmeagle (alien_wizard) that's all that needs to be said about him :lol:, and Gargoyle hosting. I miss those nights lol.

Old video I made with Sideways Saturday clips. Twitch you are in the black M3,and I think that might have been before you were in Nemesis? Gambino is in the white SLS in the one clip lol. I was awful on this video.. not much has change:banghead::lol:

Daaaaaamn that brings back some memories!!! I definitely agree, I had some of the funnest times in those lobbies. I remember being in tears from laughing so hard, more than once.

It's strange, that doesnt seem all that long ago, but that's like, at least 3, probably 4 years old now? And you're right, I was rockin' that black M3 shortly before I joined Nemesis :) that's really from back in the day :lol: Look how unsmooth I was >.<

"BRAKES!!!!!!" Lmao, good times good times :)
What up Nemesis? Been a very long time & I have only seen Gambino lately. I noticed I wasn't on GT6 for 5 months or so lol. Even worse, was that half of my friend list hasn't been on GTP in 2015. Looked up to a couple of old videos & damn I really miss drifting with the community...

Hope you all doing well, for the ones who have a PS4, please add me: Duman079. Thank god they removed the 100 friends limit lol.

What's good bro?

Im missing them sick BURST lobbies you hosted! Its hard to find rooms like that anymore, everybody doing sections which I'm also guilty of or some of us (PUSH lol) are split up, one doing doing drift trials other doing race mode which feels like crap on a wheel. Other than that still fun to get on and thrown down you should join some time! Theres still a few OG gt5 drifters around.

Who is that Gambino guy you speak of? I haven't seen him in ages :D

And somebody tell Marc to get on so i can check my skill set :bowdown:


What's good bro?

Im missing them sick BURST lobbies you hosted! Its hard to find rooms like that anymore, everybody doing sections which I'm also guilty of or some of us (PUSH lol) are split up, one doing doing drift trials other doing race mode which feels like crap on a wheel. Other than that still fun to get on and thrown down you should join some time! Theres still a few OG gt5 drifters around.

Who is that Gambino guy you speak of? I haven't seen him in ages :D

And somebody tell Marc to get on so i can check my skill set :bowdown:


Haha cheers mate! I really miss them too lol. It's good to see a couple of dem old OG's still there 👍. I guess everyone got bored because of the limited amount of "good" open lobbies to drift in. I noticed more GTP people are getting a PS4 & that's cool. It is hard to find friends like them on the PS4 tbh... I can't wait for them all to get it!

Gambino got addicted to the PS4, just like me lol :sly:.
What up Nemesis? Been a very long time & I have only seen Gambino lately. I noticed I wasn't on GT6 for 5 months or so lol. Even worse, was that half of my friend list hasn't been on GTP in 2015. Looked up to a couple of old videos & damn I really miss drifting with the community...

Hope you all doing well, for the ones who have a PS4, please add me: Duman079. Thank god they removed the 100 friends limit lol.
What up Du! Glad to hear you're doing well :)

As much as I love's such a struggle to get enjoyment out of these days. Don't get me wrong, when things work the way they should, the magic is still's just that rarely happens anymore :(

- online stability is garbage. People get booted from lobbies as often if not more so, than ever. There's a wonderful new glitch that has been around for over a year where some people in a lobby can't see each other. Only solution is to leave the lobby and rejoin...which causes more problems, and really disrupts the flow. The game also really likes to crash any time you start a race/replay.

- the PS3 PSN is buggin out for a lot of us. Many people on my FR appear at the very bottom, in red, so I can't ever see if they are online or not.

- it's sad to say, but the online drift community has not fully recovered from the split between race mode and drift trial.

- me personally, I prefer drift trial for D2D tandems, and I can have a lot of fun with the extra steering lock.....however, due to the super lame points counter, running full laps gets very annoying. So, everyone ends up doing sections, which I've never been a fan of.

- 1.17 introduced a fantastic new transmission glitch (as if trans weren't broken enough already, so wheel guys). If you use a custom transmission offline, it resets to default. So, all those hours spent fine tuning a trans can be gone in the blink of an eye...unless you use your iPhone to take screenshots to back up your tunes....cause that's super practical :lol:

- still no course creator

- I've been doing some grip racing lately, mostly 400pp-550pp street cars on street tires. I wouldn't have thought I would have trouble finding lobbies in that range, but I spend more time staring at the Open Lobby screen searching for rooms than anything. Once I find a room, I'm lucky if I can stay connected for more than 20-30 minutes. Then I'll either DC, the room will crash, GT will lock up, or the PS3 will crash.

The worst part is, I've seen how awesome GT can be when you get 16 clean drivers tearing up the 'Ring, or you get 10+ guys in a train around Autumn I know how good GT could be if the basic functions would actually work!

blah blah blah blah
Street racing is FUNNNNNN Seriously, it's awesome. But I can understand the lobby stability too, but when I got the digital version of GT6 all of my PS3 crashing stopped, and it stopped freezing.
@iPutWorkn I seen you on the other day, didn't find you in a room so I just jumped on Netflix. When will you be on? I been missing those fun runs we have on Indy road course.

@Duman079 man those burst lobbies were some of the most fun lobbies Ive been in. Bringing those back even bi-weekly would give spark to this game.

@twitcher that's 100% accurate it's sad to think about all at once. I wonder if kaz ever plans to release the course maker, or did he just use it as a marketing ploy to lure us gullible GT fans to buy his game .

Edit: @Hobson that's not true for me. I've had gt6 digital since release and it still DC on a usual. I thought it was my network connection but I changed providers and still. I never have an issue with other games either so you might just be lucky.
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Street racing is FUNNNNNN Seriously, it's awesome. But I can understand the lobby stability too, but when I got the digital version of GT6 all of my PS3 crashing stopped, and it stopped freezing.
The digital copy might help prevent the PS3 from completely freezing (need a hard reboot and usually a system restore, oh joy), but that's probably the least frequent type of crash I experience. That's like, 1 in 20 crashes for me.

The rest all have to do with the online lobby itself. The game will get stuck loading the lobby (can chat but nothing else), the game will "black screen of death" at the start of a race (which I've found to cause about a 50/50 chance of losing connection to the server), the lobby will lock up while attempting to switch tracks, or the lobby will crash altogether.

When none of that is happening, you still have the "player X can't see player Y" issue....which usually leads to an excessive amount of people rejoining the lobby, which often times causes the lobby to crash.

The most frustrating part is that we had a fraction of these issues in GT5. Also, unlike the new 1.17 transmission glitch (which PD has acknowledged, just not fixed), PD still hasn't said boo about online stability even being an issue, so we're more than likely stuck with this until GT7 (or for me, a different game from a different dev lol)

Edit: apologies for ranting :lol:
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@iPutWorkn I seen you on the other day, didn't find you in a room so I just jumped on Netflix. When will you be on? I been missing those fun runs we have on Indy road course.

I've been wondering were you have been. I was going to send you a PM on here and tell you to get on soon because I need some tandem action lol.

I'll be on the next two days if you are.
I've been wondering were you have been. I was going to send you a PM on here and tell you to get on soon because I need some tandem action lol.

I'll be on the next two days if you are.
I'm still at work, I should be home earlier tomorrow.
I've been wondering were you have been. I was going to send you a PM on here and tell you to get on soon because I need some tandem action lol.

I'll be on the next two days if you are.
YO FAM i need to get in on that
@twitcher damn bro looks like a lot has changed. Problems with online features are all over the place unfortunately... PS4 goes crazy sometimes as well...

Unfortunately I don't see our lobbies coming back. A lot of our members are busy doing other things. I only see Lerk playin GTA V sometimes and that's it tbh. Speak to the team regulary though.
I know it's not drifting, but oh well :P

If anyone is interested in some really great racing, there is a Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge series that I just raced my first race in, and it was a blast.

It's very well organized, just needs more drivers lol. All skill levels are welcome (I'm not that good myself)

I encourage anyone who is looking for some great racing and has the time on Sunday Mornings (opens 9:00AM PST) to check it out!
Finally had some time to get on and find a lobby with some drivers who can drift it was so nice! What time are you guys getting on for those who are still drifting? Well hope to drive with you guys soon let me know when you guys are on and I'll try to get on. Red

What's good Red!! You're right, it's been pretty damn quiet, not just us, but GT6 in general. There's still a decent sized core of GTP associated folk who drift though.

Lately Ive been only 3-4ish nights a week. Usually on at the old time, kinda 9:00pm to 11:00pm PST. Sometimes on a little earlier around 4:00 when I get off work.
Twitch might like this. Got a couple signatures on my old riding shirt.

Yokoi's signature in pink just like my bike! lol

Odi on the back.
Sick bro!!! You tell Jarod to 🤬 off again this year :lol:?

I'm loving Yokoi's progression this year. Odi vs Yokoi was epic!! I've still got my fingers crossed that I can pull off a minor miracle and make it down to Evergreen, but I'm swamped with work right now :(. I would love to watch Yokoi podium/win there :sly:
Sick bro!!! You tell Jarod to 🤬 off again this year :lol:?

I'm loving Yokoi's progression this year. Odi vs Yokoi was epic!! I've still got my fingers crossed that I can pull off a minor miracle and make it down to Evergreen, but I'm swamped with work right now :(. I would love to watch Yokoi podium/win there :sly:
Not this year, but I did see him doing one of his solo speeches back in the pits; and I kept walking around Nathan Fielder deadpan in the background. Hopefully they don't cut it, if I even got in the shot. :lol:

I wish they got to go OMT. Yokoi's save chasing JTP was awsome too, really hoping he gets a win this year.
If you do end up going, you should meet up with fellow GT and GTP drifter @UeoKatsu (evoung) and talk aboot Canadian things.

Anyway sorry for going off topic. I'll be on GT my same usual everybody getting off time.