Team Project D

  • Thread starter SupraFly
Originally posted by SupraFly
thats some good driftin u got goin on, plus I LOVE THAT SONG, i want to make a music video too, but i dont know what program i should use, and i want that little Project D title type thing u had there, only mine would be My Team Project D Car, or something along those lines, suggestions anyone?

also, would the r32 with stickers be more like the one in Id, and if it is, do i have to win it, or buy it

ps havent played for like, 1 day

I used sony's movie shaker 1.2
I can only make 1 min videos... anything else the file size shots up like 6mb:odd:
I can only upload 5 mb maximum.
dose anybody know a free web site account that allows you to upload any filesizes higher?:confused:
how high can the file size be to upload cause I know how to do the tag and stuff.
here at geocities they only allow up to 5 mb to upload at once.
those settings took some time, especially my tire choice, i must have used almost every combonation till i found that one.
Originally posted by SupraFly
the site hold 20 megs, and you can buy 250 megs 4 25 bucks

uhh how muchs mb does angel fire lets you upload such as when you upload your vids.
geocities site holds 25 megs.......upload allowed is 5 mb at a time.
this prevents me from upoading anything higher than 5 mb.
but i dont know how to edit my webpage,damn it ,ohh and for uploading i dont it dont work,every time it finish loading it restart.anyway i wont build my site from angelfire or whatever:mad:
what do u guys use to put together you're vids??? i have a camera that takes film put i only klnow how to upload stillpics onto my pc. so any help on how to make a vid and what to use helps.
hey guys i got a idea,i was thinking of putting an NA engine im my RX-7 so it well have better response and no turbo lag,but i love my car the way it but you know maybe with a new engine it well be even better so what you recommand,i stick with the 572 hp turbo engine or try an NA engine with 500-550 hp
ohh and md0125,um sorry i cant help you cuz i dont own a video capture thing so i know nothing about that but i think you can use teh software that comes with divx.
I have a digital camera that can take pics and 80 sec. videos. not enough time to take a whole lap but I just record half by half then I upload it to my computer using SanDisk. the camera uses a smart card or somthing like that.
THaknks for the help guys. i guess ill have to shop around and buy sumthin :rolleyes: anyway i have been doing some drifting at SSR5 ill have some pics up soon.
i need something to capture my replays so i can edit and distribute it =\
I COULD goto my bro's room and use his Gforce 4 cuz it has TV in but that's across the house and he's always usin the comp
I'd join..but A) I don't have any way of uploading vids and B) I don't understand the point of Project D...can somebody explain it to me?
Originally posted by SupraFly
those settings took some time, especially my tire choice, i must have used almost every combonation till i found that one.

Yea. I used them before. The sims make the back slide out. But its easy to start drifting.

But how many skylines can we have. And is mine sponsored since it has decals. Its not the black one. Its the S-tune. Im gonna ask my neighbors if they have a camra so i can upload pics or anything untill i get the sharkport!
well, guys, maybe we should think of a point to this team
idea:to focus on making ur drifting skillz better by trying to make up the ranks and become #1, maybe, maybe, we can hold liike, every two weeks a drift competition between members, and if someone submits a vid, we'll vote on whether they should join or not, good or no?
yeah im with you ,not everyone should join,because half of the drifters are now member.ohh and btw i saw T3 and its great i think you should go see that movie
sorry but i wont get any vids until the 15 july or so,so can i stay a member tell i show you vids and then you can decide if i stay or leave ok.
What is this whole sponsorship thing? And do i have to show a video before i get accepted, if so that will be a while seeing as how i have to wait for my new pc.
SupraFly, I might stick with the Altezza LM Car for this team. Although I think the RX-7's better, I think this car will be a challenge for me to grab as much angle as I can :D

Can I still stick with the Project D Team with a R34 Skyline? If someone else has that already, then let's just see what happens ;)
hey that's a great IDEA!!!!IMO.
I submited a video already so does that mean I can stay??? :confused:
I will post another tomorrow to back up my first vid.:)
Thio..If you don't mind me asking...How do you get custom avatars into your posts? I just saw that thread with all of the gif files..
Click on your name in this thread and there's a window that'll pop up that gives out your information. There. it'll tell you what you want to know about yourself ;)

Driftster, Go to the Questions and Comments Forum to find your answer ;)