Team proline official thread

Good luck proline rev and kung and everyone else. Enjoy running you two. Oh revenge look above ^^
See you on the strip

Also anyone know who paulofthelight is/was or has he too faded into non existence. Another TDS wannabe?

Appreciate it Wraith!!!

sup proline im da leader of KNIGHT MARES.... y do yall pick on kenji?? he's cool:confused:

Sup Proline, I'm the leader of Knight Mares..... Why do you all pick on Kenji? He's cool. You're welcome!

Anyways, Do we even need to go into this?
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who got da fastest zz2 on yall team

please stop. You are just making yourself look childish. This thread is for proline not for you to cry about your best friend getting beat every time he races. Thanks for understanding. Btw good luck proline in the upcoming comp

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