Team Shmo Free Give Aways! - none

  • Thread starter shmogt
A: I already have everything that you're giving away for "free"
B: Although I use Facebook, I hate Facebook.
C: Any time anyone has to work for something( i.e.: liking you on Facebook), that's not free

I'm Just Sayin'.........

A, B, And C the answer is I don't care this isn't meant for you. Don't like it and get nothing.

Also people like the page than click events and comment on the event. I have a link posted to it a couple comments up on here or on the front page or just hit events tab when you get to the facebook page.
I inputed all the entries into a computer program and the lucky winner is Dante Shaw! Thanks for everyone to entered and I hope to see you in the next one. Dante Shaw Please tell me your psn so I can add you and send the ticket.
Another giveaway is here! This time away it's the 3000hp Civic. Read the first post for how it works. Any questions or comments feel free to ask. End date is March 6. Current event is here
lol why do people always hate on my free giveaways? YOU can do that. Those who don't or want another can get it here.

because this whole thing is kind of slimy.
you're using something you got for free, which took you no effort to aquire in a video game to promote yourself. making people go to another site and jump through hoops for a chance at a prize.
because this whole thing is kind of slimy.
you're using something you got for free, which took you no effort to aquire in a video game to promote yourself. making people go to another site and jump through hoops for a chance at a prize.
I put hours of work in making literally hundreds of free tunes and give away all my stuff asking for nothing in return and somehow that's slimy lol. I provided the Facebook link and the current event link so it's just one click. Like the page, chance at winning a car, pretty simple. You don't want it cool that's better odds for everyone else.

So you are super rich, eh? Bling bling. :) No hate here.
Always at 20million mark, at least 2 million on every bspec driver in reserve, at least 1 of every car, with virtually every Veyron color. Yes I would consider myself so lol. Time to give back to the community to share my wealth.
How it will work
The contest will be open to all my facebook friends. All you have to do is like me on facebook and make a comment on on my current event wall. I will than choose at random a winner and contact them so I can send them the prize. That's it!

  • Like me on facebook
  • Attend/Add a comment on my current event wall (current one)
  • Wait until contest is over for a chance to win
  • The more times you comment the more chances you have at winning
  • I write all the people names down and choose the winners by a draw of the hat
  • Contest will randomly be held at certain dates I list
  • Events will be listed on my facebook/here
  • Prize for that event will also be listed on facebook/here
  • Prizes will include any tradable cars (less than 1 million), tickets, parts, exclusive tunes, and gear. Basically anything you could possible think of is possible to be a prize.
  • This is open to anyone who wants free stuff
  • Must attend/post on facebook event wall
Pretty easy way to get free stuff as well as notices for future contest. Also note I am super rich with at least 1 of every car in the game so prizes will be amazing!



Level 20 ticket - end date May 1
Nissan 370Z Tuned Car (GT Academy Version) '08 - ends May 22
Level 23 ticket - ends November 9

3000hp Civic - ends March 6
Hey, are you the creator of
I'm not really interested in a hybrid car, but if I may make a suggestion it would be cool of you if you did a give away of a special tuned car made by yourself, or even better, you make a tune for whatever the winner desire! I would sooo be in on that. :)
I'm not really interested in a hybrid car, but if I may make a suggestion it would be cool of you if you did a give away of a special tuned car made by yourself, or even better, you make a tune for whatever the winner desire! I would sooo be in on that. :)

Well this car has a tune applied to it which goes 365mph which is faster than any other civic. I thought about doing a giveaway for tunes but I don't know how many people will want it since my site already gives away tunes basically.

only a couple days left!

Last few hours to the contest. A ton of people entered get your vote in!

The winner is Steven Sodeman!!!!!! Leave your PSN in the comments so I can send it to you. Once you accept my friend request than I can send it to you.
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Hello everyone I am giving away a car and/or tune of your choice to a facebook friend! Just post a comment saying anything to be entered. Also the end date is April 10 so get your comments in. More comments or post equals more chance of winning! Once the winner is chosen they can tell me what car they want and/or what tune they want for a car. Up to them. Trade limits obviously apply so I can't send anything over a million dollars unfortunately. As for hacked cars you can suggest it if you win, but have a backup plan because I may not be able to get what you want.

The new event will be found here
Contest results are in! The winner by a hair is Eric Bellwood!!!!!! Comment what you want and leave your psn.
Hello everyone here is your chance to win a level 23 ticket! I can't give away over a million dollar cars, but I can give away tickets that will. Rules are same as always just post or comment on the Facebook contest wall for your chance to win. The more post you have will greaten you chances of winning. Good luck everyone!

Ends May 14
Just wanted to say 4 more days. Get in while the numbers are lower to give you more time to enter.

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