Those things i wrote was based on what i use more or less. Usually people, run 0 weight, and ballast position 50, because you dont add any additional weight to the car, but you transfer weight allreaddy in the car so to say.
The suspension can be complex, on some cars my ride height is like yours, on some cars my front is slightly higher. On some cars i use front spring rate as stiff as possible, and rear as soft as posible. I dont know about your suspension, but theoreticly 1/10, 10/1 would be best for ultimate weight transfer. Some people are running 10/5, 5/10, 1/5, 5/1, or 10/1, 10/1, etc, there are manny variations. Personly i cant feel that much differance.
Also, have you tried the so called transmission trick, so you can have a verry long first gear, and short gears after that?