Team Smoke Screen

  • Thread starter mrCHRIS
if those arent premium colors we might have to vote again.... i hate to dupe...
but thats just my thought lol :b im not the team leader :b
but i got two Sand Blue and 3 different black pearl! xD come on guys we need some spesific colors instead of this.....
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there is only 1 sand blue in the game and you an only get it from the honda n360 '67 and it is not a premium colour, there is 2 pearl blacks 1 from the nissan micra '03 and the other from the oulim motors spirra '04 both of them are not premium colours, also im sure before we started this contest we all agreed that it would have to be premium colours to save everyone having to dupe them because i have atleast 6-7 cars that i will be putting the team colours on and im sure everyone else has about the same if not more so thats a whole load of duping :/
I say we should have a complete revote of the colours, maybe if george can't make it to the meet next weekend I'll just run it and we'll get as many members there as poss.

We should keep it premium because getting them all cloned is just silly when we could buy as many of the chips for ourselves should we need them 👍
Noooo this anit happening, the colours stay im not going threw all the crap again, I put the colour on a car, i had 2 chips left on sent to riye for duping seeing how no one offered from within the team to help get the colours done as fast as possible.

if maybe people had offered there help rather than moaning about it there wouldnt be a problem.

The wheel colour will have to be individual rather than all the same
I don't think we can be arsed because we thought we were doing premium colours and then you say it's not premium and... well yeah idk, meh.
Noooo i didnt even know if it was or not. I just liked the colour pure and simple. Its not meh or im im confused. I posted asking for help to get the colour duped in case it wasnt a premium.

I got naff all response and tbh it pees me off. It took another team leader to see the problem i was having and offered to help. Im bored of having to have endless debates about everthing last time i checked.

1. Tss was and is my team
2. Chris is number 2 when hes able able to be around.
3. King is looking after comps.

Beyond those three things your opinons are welcome but not alaways going to be actioned.

Over the next week 10 days or so ill start thinking about some choice ive got to make. There will be a message sent via psn about a sunday afternoon meeting. All will be exspected to attend.
Noooo i didnt even know if it was or not.

so if you didnt know it was a standard then how was everyone else supposed to know? im sure we all made it clear before we started the competition that it was premium colours only, so if someone has entered a car that doesnt have premium colours it shouldnt be counted.

look at all the hassle it has caused just because some one couldnt follow rules, im not having a go at the person that won, i dont know whos car it was and have nothing against them chances are they probably just misread or didnt hear about it, but a simple revote next week would have saved all of this arguing and stress it is causing everyone!

Beyond those three things your opinons are welcome but not alaways going to be actioned.

honestly cant remember you ever even considering anyone elses opinions.
so if you didnt know it was a standard then how was everyone else supposed to know? im sure we all made it clear before we started the competition that it was premium colours only, so if someone has entered a car that doesnt have premium colours it shouldnt be counted.

look at all the hassle it has caused just because some one couldnt follow rules, im not having a go at the person that won, i dont know whos car it was and have nothing against them chances are they probably just misread or didnt hear about it, but a simple revote next week would have saved all of this arguing and stress it is causing everyone!
Truth right here :nervous:

The problem is George, it feels like you're more of a boss to us rather than a friend, maybe you don't realise it but that's how it feels. SEVERAL people from the team want a revote, but our opinions seem to mean zilch mate.
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Ya know where the door is

In thruth i have to be more like a boss, keeping bens mischeif under control for one thing made things the way they are.

I consider most people within tss to be friends but dont mistake friendship for weakness. Fine do as you want with the colours i past caring end of
Ya see dude? I know you're stressed and I feel you on that, but when we express an opinion that you don't like you get all... not nice. We need to address these issues properly mate, unless you can't handle it and want somebody else to do the team colour work?

Edit: OK, I'll send a message to people, we'll get a revote on sunday.
Ill make this perfectly clear, you can pass this on to whom ever anit going to see it on gtp.

if your un happy with how tss is run then do something proactive.

Plus where the flying hell do i find a list of sodding premium paints
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Ok of late ive found myself struggerling to turn on the station and play gt. few people seem to think its easy or the best position to be in being in charge, i can can tell you whole heartidly its not.

When i started tss the middle of last year, i and driftnut spent countless hours a day attemping to build tss into something we both could be proud of. Myself having quit grd and driftnut being chased by trance to join grd.

I was sceptical about if i was good enough to be considered a worthy leader and would people stick with us during the building process. The frist guy in was chris who i now consider to be a dam good friend on gt and personally id like to buump into him at some point at an event. He has proven over and over again hes a good drifter on gt and an imense assest to tss. Chris has always done things the right way with me and been honest but remain respectfull.

Ben the second member to join, God forbid knows what i did to deseve some of the agro ive had off ben in the past, but weve built a level of respect and i know theres proberbly not many that will beat ben when hes on top form. Ben is the funny factor within the team.

i could proberbly go through the entire team list givin the ups and downs about each member. Though i figure an entire page post well wouldnt go well lol.

My point is this, everyone well i say everyone thats unfair. Those who are on gtp within the team seem to think or have suggested im not a good choice to be in charge these days. Being honest id proberbly agree so.. id prefer some inspriation to help motivate the entire team and get things moving the way they should and we can all be happy.

if this doesnt work then come the end of the month ill look at it again and see what the next step is.
we need to stop arguing over silly things, look at what has happened in the last week...
i think once ben sorts out a few competitions and we start getting some wins under our belt we will start to feel like a team again.

and george its not that your not a good leader, if you werent a good leader we wouldnt be here now with a good quality team and well respected in the drifting community on gt5. but you need to simmer down abit when someone disagrees with you, like ben said its starting to feel like your a boss to us rather than a friend. just remember 16 brains all working together and bouncing ideas off each other is better than 1 making all the decisions, thats the whole point in a team right? :)
got exams coming up so I might not be on GT as much, but still I will try my best to come on for little skid session.

To cheer you guys up, pic from my last event in ODC which I came 7th and my car now has new wheeeeeeels =)



got exams coming up so I might not be on GT as much, but still I will try my best to come on for little skid session.

To cheer you guys up, pic from my last event in ODC which I came 7th and my car now has new wheeeeeeels =)




My favorite quote "Mad JDM right there"
I love the way the car How it sits aswell.
Heyy guys sorry about my big inactivity with gt5 I've had a lot of major college exams and revision for driving theory test soo I will be back on soon <3 lots of love spraggy :P