Team vs Team Battles

  • Thread starter Hyperspeed
This is the reason I've never been into the team battles. Most these kids are bad losers and even worse winners. I see someone has returned to the drama side of things @danny. Lol
Sorry I miss the comp but I really don't want to be part of this drama, common guys take a chill pill, hopefully we can battle again and solve it the right way. Pleeeaase. Think of happy things guys.
Sorry I miss the comp but I really don't want to be part of this drama, common guys take a chill pill, hopefully we can battle again and solve it the right way. Pleeeaase. Think of happy things guys.

*Thinks of a happy thing*
Putting little DAnny and LoBoost in their place. :)
after reading all these comments, I gotta put my 2 cents in.

Danny, congrats on the win. This "RIP TDS" stuff needs to stop though. There's this thing called being humble. You and your boys need to learn the meaning of it. Them going into lobbies saying stuff like "we beat TDS, we're the best" is far from being humble.

I highly doubt there were any extra parts being used, but it doesnt look good for your team when some of your members do use them. Which I've witnessed first hand.

Lastly, we (TDS) have team unity. It doesnt matter if we win/lose. We're a better team all around. And dont need to add people to our team last second to increase our chances of winning.

I look forward to the rematch, I'll definitely be there for it.
after reading all these comments, I gotta put my 2 cents in.

Danny, congrats on the win. This "RIP TDS" stuff needs to stop though. There's this thing called being humble. You and your boys need to learn the meaning of it. Them going into lobbies saying stuff like "we beat TDS, we're the best" is far from being humble.

I highly doubt there were any extra parts being used, but it doesnt look good for your team when some of your members do use them. Which I've witnessed first hand.

Lastly, we (TDS) have team unity. It doesnt matter if we win/lose. We're a better team all around. And dont need to add people to our team last second to increase our chances of winning.

I look forward to the rematch, I'll definitely be there for it.

We will give you the rematch and please have all your best players because you will need them and we will chose our FF cars!

We won and we didn't even use our FFs and you guys being tuning 4x4 way before us!!

And my boy DQ raced with a broken arm!

Get ready for the rematch!!!

We will set the rules because we are the champions!
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Again, being humble is something you should look into.

Again, you should know better I always been humble but your Leader started all this so please understand why I'm so mad!

All you guys should know how hard and really how hard I worked for this and your Leader comes out talking all this lies and making me and my Team look like we so slow that we need parts?? really?? who needs to be humble here???

I had it with you guys!:banghead:
Again, you should know better I always been humble but your Leader started all this so please understand why I'm so mad!

All you guys should know how hard and really how hard I worked for this and your Leader comes out talking all this lies and making me and my Team look like we so slow that we need parts?? really?? who needs to be humble here???

I had it with you guys!:banghead:

Now, you all have to know that my internet is only 2mps, yes 2mps and Im in Nicaragua and also my boy Freddy internet is 1mps and he is in Costa Rica!

Sorry for the double post but I press edit!
Good races guys. Had one of those I couldn't tree anyone days lol. GT6 is going to be super dope with all these high flying and up and coming teams. More teams means more fun and we got some good ones out there:) 👍

Here's a post showing how humble I am:) after the battle I had to leave and did you see the message I left before leaving??( good races guys until next time:)) It wasn't until I heard from my guys about your teams Excessive trash talk and a kicking of one of my guys in a HIBoost room when he stepped up to the plate to end the trash talk. Ask any of the teams that we ran and won against if we in any way talked trash and blatantly wrote TDS FTW WE THE BEST. When we win we act like winners and when we lose as the message says above we act like winners.
Here's a post showing how humble I am:) after the battle I had to leave and did you see the message I left before leaving??( good races guys until next time:)) It wasn't until I heard from my guys about your teams Excessive trash talk and a kicking of one of my guys in a HIBoost room when he stepped up to the plate to end the trash talk. Ask any of the teams that we ran and won against if we in any way talked trash and blatantly wrote TDS FTW WE THE BEST. When we win we act like winners and when we lose as the message says above we act like winners.

Hyper, you said that we won because we got parts?? why??

If you had any issues, all you had to do is send me a private message!

I'm not aware of what happened in a hiboost room!

I never had any issues with T.D.S. members, in fact I always look up to you guys since day one!
hum·ble (hmbl)
adj. hum·bler, hum·blest
1. Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.
2. Showing deferential or submissive respect: a humble apology.
3. Low in rank, quality, or station; unpretentious or lowly: a humble cottage.
tr.v. hum·bled, hum·bling, hum·bles
1. To curtail or destroy the pride of; humiliate.
2. To cause to be meek or modest in spirit.
3. To give a lower condition or station to; abase. See Synonyms at degrade.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin humilis, low, lowly, from humus, ground; see dhghem- in Indo-European roots.]
humble·ness n.
humbler n.
humbly adv.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000
Here's a post showing how humble I am:) after the battle I had to leave and did you see the message I left before leaving??( good races guys until next time:)) It wasn't until I heard from my guys about your teams Excessive trash talk and a kicking of one of my guys in a HIBoost room when he stepped up to the plate to end the trash talk. Ask any of the teams that we ran and won against if we in any way talked trash and blatantly wrote TDS FTW WE THE BEST. When we win we act like winners and when we lose as the message says above we act like winners.

I don't want to take any sides.

But, I do have to say some things.

When we went against TDS, we lost. Putting that out there. We lost. Not by much, but we lost.

Now, when we lost, we didn't put out too many excuses, neither did TDS say "ohh we beat hydro, we so good br0 I feel so c001 r1ght n0w" no. We probably had one of the most respectful competitions we had. Won't you agree, Hyper?

Normal trash talk is fine. But, excessive trash talk is plainly obtuse

If a team wins, good job. If a team loses, take it like a man and man up. That's all I have to say in this matter.

Good competition both.
Hyper, you said that we won because we got parts?? why??

If you had any issues, all you had to do is send me a private message!

I'm not aware of what happened in a hiboost room!

I never had any issues with T.D.S. members, in fact I always look up to you guys since day one!

I never said you have parts just giving you the heads up that some of your teams logs are tainted. That's all. Well with a little extra notes:)
Agreed Swara:) also we didnt post winner pictures lol
I never said you have parts just giving you the heads up that some of your teams logs are tainted. That's all. Well with a little extra notes:)
Agreed Swara:) also we didnt post winner pictures lol

Come on Hyper, really?

Now you want to change things?

Listen, we are both Leaders and we both should just stop this none sense!

I never ever meant anything I said against your Team, I was just mad and defending my Team!

I hope you guys don't kick me out of your Team and I will talk to my guys to see what happened and I will make sure this issue stops at GT lobbies!

I do want to apologized to TDS for the bad things I said but I was just mad!

Thank you!

I'm done with this Drama!
We will give you the rematch and please have all your best players because you will need them and we will chose our FF cars!

We won and we didn't even use our FFs and you guys being tuning 4x4 way before us!!

And my boy DQ raced with a broken arm!

Get ready for the rematch!!!

We will set the rules because we are the champions!

Wait, what?... You won a few races and declare yourself champions... Damn... You need to ghost launch to even TRY keep up with us.. I haven't seen an Australian ghost launch in a US lobby in god knows how long.. So before you declare yourselves champions come to Australia..
Wait, what?... You won a few races and declare yourself champions... Damn... You need to ghost launch to even TRY keep up with us.. U haven't seen an Australian ghost launch in a US lobby in god knows how long.. So before you declare yourselves champions come to Australia..

Man shut up bro!

No body here is asking for your time wait till somebody ask you for it!

Sincerly Danny280!
So what, in a TEAM VS TEAM THREAD I can't make call outs because you said so!? Seriously though, bring whoever the 🤬 you want down here.. I hope you are as quick as your mouth down here 👍

Wait.. Does HIboost own GTP.. Can they stop me from posting on a thread on the Internet? No.. Okay.. Just checking..
Soooooo. Anyone see Kyle Bushs car get sliced in the right front corner by that cable?
Lol, Matt... I smashed his Chevelle with my super bird.... He got no chance down under.
And he knows it.

Since he was recording, he could probably show you.
So what, in a TEAM VS TEAM THREAD I can't make call outs because you said so!? Seriously though, bring whoever the 🤬 you want down here.. I hope you are as quick as your mouth down here 👍

Wait.. Does HIboost own GTP.. Can they stop me from posting on a thread on the Internet? No.. Okay.. Just checking..

It was a joke bro!👍
Lol, Matt... I smashed his Chevelle with my super bird.... He got no chance down under.
And he knows it

I know, and that's why I called him out.. He knows that HIboost aren't the bees frikken knees.. But, hopefully he does come to our lobbies to challenge us, then we can be universal champions!!1!
Lol, Matt... I smashed his Chevelle with my super bird.... He got no chance down under.
And he knows it.

Since he was recording, he could probably show you.

what happend when you join a us lobby smokey?? remember??

You guys know is not a fair race, ghost lagg!!👍

Thank you!