Team vs Team Battles

  • Thread starter Hyperspeed
The 22nd. Not the 15th. It was just a suggestion. But the 22nd is good and don't change it.

You good it bubb.


Date-22nd of December/Saturday
Time-8:00PM EST

This is the date so make time on your calendar.
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Sorry but no. Ask anyone that knows me on here.. I don't lag. Plus Iv already booked that date of work so yeah...
Dreamo doesn't lag. Plus I don't get why would a non american citizen cause lag in the room. And even if he did, wouldn't all players in the room be lagging? So it's the same for everyone?

Just curious...

If you want the races to be eqal for everyone, I suggest an Aussie or Asian ghost and host, cuz they're in between both countries/continents. Best for you guys to do auditions on guys and choose the one that suits you best from Asia or Australia and minimises the lag to both US and UK players. In fact I think that the best option would be trying to find a host in Antarctica or on the ISS.
I know someone that lives near the Bermuda Triangle, he's never online though... :P

Won't work, his signal would probably be ruined by some wierd Bermuda Triangle energys lol. Think I know who you have in mind if he's in the GT5 drag...
Can we make this US participants only? Will minimize lag.

I'm not worried about lag.. Wonder why you are. If we're going to do a battle my team kinda has to be there lol. Hell you can host the lobby for all I care I'm just ready to get er done.
I'm not worried about lag so much as I want as least as much as possible. Especially since everyone is my house will be dragging my net down like always.
Both teams are good enough tuners that it will come down to who tree's better that night.
First teams up to battle.
Date - 12/15/12
Time- around 10am
Teams - ApL vs. HIBOOST [ 3v3 ]

Still don't know what two cars you guys are using.