#TeamGTP Twitter List

  • Thread starter Brend
Still have no idea how to use this thing properly lol
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That's such a nice occasion to overlook the list of GTPers who are active on twitter. :P

P.S. I'm on twitter as well (the ID is @Khalid_968 with the username "GTP_sneakyboy62" above it so it would be easy to find out), glad if mine can be marked up among the list too. :)
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That's such a nice occasion to overlook the list of GTPers who are active on twitter. :P

P.S. I'm on twitter as well (the ID is @Khalid_968 with the username "GTP_sneakyboy62" above it so it would be easy to find out), glad if mine can be marked up among the list too. :)

How many languages do you speak? I am seeing a lot on your twitter.
And, I've changed mine to :@:UnexcitingDean :P...

I was wondering who that was when I got the follow :lol: I'll return the favour now, along with everyone else. Interesting side note, Wolfgang Reip followed me back yesterday, my second minor celebrity follower after former England wicketkeeper Paul Nixon :sly:
Hey guys, does anyone know if I can prevent Twitter from showing image previews on my timeline, it's really annoying.

I am not promising that I reply to your tweets or follow back though. Sorry.

Also I may sometimes tweet in Japanese although not often at the moment. Also beware I sometimes tweet about politics and some of you may not like my views.
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Hey guys, does anyone know if I can prevent Twitter from showing image previews on my timeline, it's really annoying.

I know, right? I don't need anyone looking over my shoulder while I'm perusing my twitter timeline to see all the boobs and booty that's being posted by various women of the twitterverse.
I know, right? I don't need anyone looking over my shoulder while I'm perusing my twitter timeline to see all the boobs and booty that's being posted by various women of the twitterverse.

This has actually happened way too much :lol:
@FruTBunn1 - I'm not very active on Twitter these days but things may probably change. Mainly, I use it for swearing a lot with no real reason or purpose.
Incredibly long overdue update completed. :lol:

Also, following spree incoming for those I am not following.