Hi guys thought i'd do a little blog..
Well today i was cleaning out my garage and found my Logitech G25 #1 i tried doing a handbrake mod to it and i screwed up by covering the whole resistor in solder which then shorted out the g25... So has anyone else had this problem and is there a resolution to this problem. Since that G25 i bought another one then my dog decided to kill that so i moved on to a g27 but i'm going to leave that untouched. Unless i can find replacement circuit boards or even a shifter...
Sorry I was lagging so much lol, hopefully next time my stepmother won't be on online poker.
I think i might.... Thought the drifters would be interested as most of us have wheels and have modded to have a handbrake
BTW, Do you actually own a DA9 Integra?
Gulp.... Doing my Handbrake mod to my g27...