Telemetry in GT7 (sim-to-motec + Motec) - how to use to improve times

  • Thread starter zjn


This post is intended to delve into the use of the Motec app ( using the data that the Sim-to-motec tool (, created by @GeekyDeaks, extracts from GT7.
It is not the purpose of this post to discuss the IT aspects of the software or request changes to them. For that, please refer to the tread listed above.

==== Why I use this tool ===
I have always been fond of telemetry, not necessarily understanding anything about it, but for the engineering aspect it demonstrates. I happened to come across discussions about telemetry in GT7 and, searching within the forum, I arrived at the linked tread.
Within it several tools are suggested, some more focused on real time use, others, like this one, on deferred use.
I chose this one, and am starting to try it out.
Mainly I use it to confirm or deny the feelings I have while riding. Do I trailbrake or think I do? How do I use the throttle? And a thousand similar questions. I've found that in some cases the telemetry confirms my sensations, in other cases it disproves them, and that helps me correct the way I feel about what's going on while I'm riding.

Another use I make of it is to identify sections of the track where I lose more than in others. I'm not a great driver. Let's say that my average result is a certain silver, so let's say I lose 4% from the best.
This would mean that by putting on the graph how much I lose along the lap I should find a line joining the points 0.0 (at the beginning of the lap) and X.104% (at the end of the lap, where X is the length of the lap).
Obviously reality is different, and this deviation between the line and the graph gives me at a glance an idea of where to focus to improve.
Last reason: fun--I can't drive as much as I'd like, and I find substitutes for getting to the next driving session with specific goals.

=== How to install ===
You need Windows10, just an unpretentious PC.
The Sim-to-motec project can be found here (, and specifically the file to download is here (
You need the file gt7.exe from version 1.5.3


Here I had a little problem with the antivirus telling me to be careful because the file name could be misleading. Obviously the antivirus wants to protect me, but in this case it is totally wrong and the file is obviously absolutely ok. All I had to do was rename it to gt-7.exe and the antivirus was good to go.
Motec is downloaded here (, the right version is i2 Pro (64bit) version 1.1.5
The installation is the classic windows installation.

=== How it works ===
Run gt7.exe on a PC that is on the same LAN as the PS5, put the PS5 address in the "PS IP Address" field
Press start to begin logging and stop to stop.
The program creates a series of files, I would say one per driving session.
Then just double-click on the file, and it is opened by Motec.
I point out these videos from DigitGaming who is great and explains the process well

i have this error.. i use lan both console-laptop. i use ipv4 ip ..
the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 114, in <module>
File "stm\gt7\", line 30, in init
OSError: [WinError 10048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
Screenshot 2025-02-14 114850.jpg
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i have this error.. i use lan both console-laptop. i use ipv4 ip ..
the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 114, in <module>
File "stm\gt7\", line 30, in init
OSError: [WinError 10048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permittedView attachment 1428706
sounds like a socket access issue, are you by any chance running one of the dashboard apps as well or SimHub?