Temporary Suspension? (Resolved)

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Just adding that being offended is a popular modern lifestyle, be wary of these kind of people. They’ll also take reporting you for nonsense as some kind of “win”. Keep that in mind and don’t feed them anything they can use to damage you.
Yes, although examples you gave in the post I quoted to I must admit to not having a clue what they mean myself tbh (PH, OF... ), never mind younger kids. I've heard of Hooters, but is it really that bad in the scheme of things? Are they going to have a clue what fake taxi is (assuming it doesn;t have some sexually explicit picture attached to the livery...) ? Theres a solid chance that if they've heard of those things or know what they mean, they've probably come across it with friends or at school anyway...
I have no idea what PH, OF, and fake taxi are. What I do know is that people seem to get offended by almost anything these days but in the grand scheme of things isn't that more or less their problem that they choose to be offended?? I mean it is a choice, isn't it??
I have no idea what PH, OF, and fake taxi are. What I do know is that people seem to get offended by almost anything these days but in the grand scheme of things isn't that more or less their problem that they choose to be offended?? I mean it is a choice, isn't it??
Usually I would absolutely agree.

But they are all porn sites. And I freely admit I may have used them. I don't know why I have to field the questions or have the brands become recognisable to younger children.

Being offended by everything is definitely snowflake, thinking 10 year olds should be given access to Sasha grey getting up the....is another thing. But sure peoples mileage vary and I'm on the very open and liberal side of parenting.

EDIT: doubling down on this.

Ignorance is not an excuse but it seem to fuel a lot of opinions from the less informed.

I'm no activist but if my daughter and her friends want to play on the rig, race online browse some liveries, brutalise the AI im
Not sure I want Porn Hub and Fake Taxi to be their next google searches.....

If she asks I'll tell her what they are in round about ways. What I don't want is the questions from a 10 year old because it as in daddy's racing game.
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Usually I would absolutely agree.

But they are all porn sites. And I freely admit I may have used them. I don't know why I have to field the questions or have the brands become recognisable to younger children.

Being offended by everything is definitely snowflake, thinking 10 year olds should be given access to Sasha grey getting up the....is another thing. But sure peoples mileage vary and I'm on the very open and liberal side of parenting.

EDIT: doubling down on this.

Ignorance is not an excuse but it seem to fuel a lot of opinions from the less informed.

I'm no activist but if my daughter and her friends want to play on the rig, race online browse some liveries, brutalise the AI im
Not sure I want Porn Hub and Fake Taxi to be their next google searches.....

If she asks I'll tell her what they are in round about ways. What I don't want is the questions from a 10 year old because it as in daddy's racing game.
What? Sorry, but no one in GT7 is giving kids (or anyone else) access to porn by making liveries that feature their branding. There is a difference between referencing porn sites and companies and giving them hyperlinks or being exposed to actual porn, a HUGE difference.

With how common it is these days for that stuff to be everywhere, chances are kids are going to find it somewhere on the internet if they haven’t already. My money is on them having already seen or heard them referenced though they (hopefully) don’t know what they are or go there.

You better not let your kids look at the news, or at much of anything else online.
You will see a LOT worse on the likes of the front page of Yahoo! News or other media outlets than you will ever see in GT7. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen articles referencing all those sites and more, with MUCH more detail and graphic images then they’ll ever get from a livery in this game. Plenty of times I’ve seen nipples and fully exposed cheeks as the images used for articles on Yahoo! News and other news sites as I casually through.
lol..people getting offended about an OnlyFans livery in a game, when this is happening in the real world 🤦‍♂️

To most, it's simply "ha ha funny porn logo" but you're just doing free advertising for an industry where very real exploitation and abuse run rampant.
OP: It takes courage to own up to your mistakes consistently. Accept your punishment and move on. Gran Turismo will be here when you get back.
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PSN policy is anti drug. So whilst it might not be offensive to you it is to PSN and thus would preach their policies.
I just read the PSN code of conduct and the safety policy and cant see a reference to anti drug, could you link to it as I might have missed it.
I presume by drug you mean illegal drugs, but even then what does that really mean. In the UK cannabis is a lawful prescribed drug for medical use. A lot of drugs are prescription only. If someone put a picture of some antibiotics on a Ford Focus is that a reportable offence?
Usually I would absolutely agree.

But they are all porn sites. And I freely admit I may have used them. I don't know why I have to field the questions or have the brands become recognisable to younger children.

Being offended by everything is definitely snowflake, thinking 10 year olds should be given access to Sasha grey getting up the....is another thing. But sure peoples mileage vary and I'm on the very open and liberal side of parenting.

EDIT: doubling down on this.

Ignorance is not an excuse but it seem to fuel a lot of opinions from the less informed.

I'm no activist but if my daughter and her friends want to play on the rig, race online browse some liveries, brutalise the AI im
Not sure I want Porn Hub and Fake Taxi to be their next google searches.....

If she asks I'll tell her what they are in round about ways. What I don't want is the questions from a 10 year old because it as in daddy's racing game.
The world is most definately changing, especially when grade schoolers are being taught about gender choice and the details along with in the classroom. These are things that should be taught if need be by family, not a school teacher.
The world is most definately changing, especially when grade schoolers are being taught about gender choice and the details along with in the classroom. These are things that should be taught if need be by family, not a school teacher.
Gender identity is something you learn about through social interactions, which makes it impossible to not teach it in school. What you’re asking for is effectively that they should be taught to conform to the social norms about gender identity.
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