You use 2 sets of holes on the shifter and 2 sets on the plate. You cant use all 4 at the same time. Its kind of a tight fit, but 2 holes on each will line up. They will be right next to each other.Just bought the shifter trying to figure out how to mount IT to the metal plate I don't want to buy another shifter plate from playseat
It will fit with no drilling, you just have to get it aligned just right. I have the same holder.which shifter holder do you have ? the original for the G25/27 gearstick or the Pro version ?
If like me you have the G25 version then the only way is to drill an additional hole in the metal plate so you are able to get the second bolt in place, use a template of the holes under the stick to mark where the second hole needs to be drilled and will be perfect as below
I am pretty sure the Pro version comes with pre-drilled holes for the TH8A so can't imagine that being a problem ...
Give it a couple more days to make sure your happy with the placement. Then drill 2 holes through the square tube and the side of the base and add nuts and bolts. You can then loose the bracket and knob that bolt to the base under the seat if you like.Thanks guy I got it on today my only issue is my mount feels wobbly and the knob are on tight any suggestions