Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777

"Sir, we forgot the brakes!"

"Dammit! OK well just grab the ones off that Accent in the field over there for now!"

I managed to crack silver in my daily marathon test run on the controller so hopefully gold is where I land. Happy to see my iffy gold held at Brands.
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Happy TT Thursday everyone!

Here's my initial thoughts on the Ioniq:

  • Tilts more than the Titanic
  • If you want to make the corner then you need to start braking yesterday
  • Feels like you're driving in slow motion yet weirdly on the edge of losing control
  • My rental came with massive dents all the way along the side panels

Other than that an awesome little racer 🙄
Tried last TT with the "fun" EV car. Did one lap, red, bye ! That thing is heavy as a steamboat.
Im Not No Way GIF

Saw that it is the car for a special event in the upcoming weeklies too 😩

After that went back to Monza to do a very mediocre 10 laps stint. No improvement, best lap is very close to best so far, other than that bad medium and no sector improvement.

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I will be darned!

For an appliance, this refrigerator actually drives pretty nice. The GT-R we drove here last time was an absolute turd compare to this.

Yeah this thingy is heavy and has no brakes, but it balances itself pretty well in the corners. Just brake early and shift the weight accordingly, it will rotate nicely for point and scoot.



Not the best 1st sector, but I will take sub 37s 🙈🙈
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Eh, I'm not tryharding the TT's these months as I got bored of it and I'm not really enjoying it anymore – minus the rare interesting combo. Still, a lot of GTP-ers are showing great improvement 👏
And us down scoreboard terrestrials appreciate it. It gives us a chance to pretend we are fast.

Belay that, I just checked, you not trying hard has you at 1st on the GTP Scoreboard at Monza, 18th in the world. We should all be able to not try like that.
Great time, BTW.
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And us down scoreboard terrestrials appreciate it. It gives us a chance to pretend we are fast.
No need to pretend 😊 We do it for fun and for free, so any effort is fast by casual player standards.

Belay that, I just checked, you not trying hard has you at 1st on the GTP Scoreboard at Monza, 18th in the world. We should all be able to not try like that.
Great time, BTW.
That's a rare interesting combo exception – that's the best I can achieve there.
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I will be darned!

For an appliance, this refrigerator actually drives pretty nice. The GT-R we drove here last time was an absolute turd compare to this.

Yeah this thingy is heavy and has no brakes, but it balances itself pretty well in the corners. Just brake early and shift the weight accordingly, it will rotate nicely for point and scoot.

View attachment 1426920
View attachment 1426921

Not the best 1st sector, but I will take sub 37s 🙈🙈
Well....that is...... not to shabby at all buddy! 😁🤣🤣
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Weekly update

Comfortable Gold in the Testarossa :cheers:

Frustrations at Monza- jostling between being too cautious and being slow or too aggressive and overcooking it at one of three chicanes :banghead:

Quick go at the Nurb with the obese toaster, out-braked myself on the opening chicane 3 times in a row... closed the game down. :crazy:
(that ***** for another day)
Thank god that's an easy gold because I never want to touch that thing again. I can only assume this is a terrible implementation of the car because none of the reviews I've seen mention the fact it uh.. sucks?

Got so lost in the suckiness I forgot my photos! Even a turd in a barrel deserves a good photography sesh.

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Yes.....Thursday Nokia day!

Wife on Netflix so headphones to hear those batteries heating up 🤣


I give this one a good 8.5 on the Remote-O-meter... very doable because it's not that fast 🤣

Pleasant drive I must say in my carbonized powerbank ....

And.....not to Shaabbbyy either 🤣, nice first few laps, and there is definitely more in it



The one thing I absolutely despice is hammering the overtake button.....hurts like crap after a few laps 🤣🤣
My dear fellow racers and friends, it turns out the (ruined) Testarossa time trial is the last one I will be doing, at least in the forseable future. Life got in the way, since I started my private business and didn't rent any office space, I've been working from home, but the need for extra room, extra desk, computers, printers etc unfortunately surpases my available space, and I had to dismantle my whole rig today.

At the same time I'm happy and sad, happy because in the last couple of months I've been pushing myself to drive, I didn't do much except time trials, and to be completely honest, it's a relief to take a (probably) very big break, I just lost the "spark", it got a bit boring and stale.

I'm sad of course because I'm sure I will miss it at some point, and I'll miss the competition here, chasing thousands and exchanging fastest laps with some of the resident aliens here. I won't be selling my equipment, I just packed it all away and stored it in the basement, it will be waiting for me when I decide the time is right. Maybe 6 months, maybe more, maybe for GT8... Who knows...

I want to take this opportunity to thank every single member of this forum that I had an interaction with, I won't be tagging anyone because there are so many of you and I'm sure I'll forget someone. I learned so much and created so many new "friendships" if you can call it that, this community elevated my hobby to a whole new level, my hobby that kept me sane and helped me clear my mind after long working days, family challenges and all of the daily struggles for the past 3 years.

I will be following the forum for sure, maybe doing some weekly challenge races on the DualSense, but for any competitive stuff - that will have to wait a bit.

Best of luck to all of you in all the upcoming challenges and trials :cheers: :gtpflag:
My dear fellow racers and friends, it turns out the (ruined) Testarossa time trial is the last one I will be doing, at least in the forseable future. Life got in the way, since I started my private business and didn't rent any office space, I've been working from home, but the need for extra room, extra desk, computers, printers etc unfortunately surpases my available space, and I had to dismantle my whole rig today.

At the same time I'm happy and sad, happy because in the last couple of months I've been pushing myself to drive, I didn't do much except time trials, and to be completely honest, it's a relief to take a (probably) very big break, I just lost the "spark", it got a bit boring and stale.

I'm sad of course because I'm sure I will miss it at some point, and I'll miss the competition here, chasing thousands and exchanging fastest laps with some of the resident aliens here. I won't be selling my equipment, I just packed it all away and stored it in the basement, it will be waiting for me when I decide the time is right. Maybe 6 months, maybe more, maybe for GT8... Who knows...

I want to take this opportunity to thank every single member of this forum that I had an interaction with, I won't be tagging anyone because there are so many of you and I'm sure I'll forget someone. I learned so much and created so many new "friendships" if you can call it that, this community elevated my hobby to a whole new level, my hobby that kept me sane and helped me clear my mind after long working days, family challenges and all of the daily struggles for the past 3 years.

I will be following the forum for sure, maybe doing some weekly challenge races on the DualSense, but for any competitive stuff - that will have to wait a bit.

Best of luck to all of you in all the upcoming challenges and trials :cheers: :gtpflag:
It was a pleasure to have you around buddy, and you were insanely fast lately!
I wish you all the best, and if you still decide to do some trials on dualsense and then turns out you are faster then me..... I won't like you anymore 🤣

All the best mate, and I'm sure we will meet again, good luck with buissines!

Grtz Jomar
My dear fellow racers and friends, it turns out the (ruined) Testarossa time trial is the last one I will be doing, at least in the forseable future. Life got in the way, since I started my private business and didn't rent any office space, I've been working from home, but the need for extra room, extra desk, computers, printers etc unfortunately surpases my available space, and I had to dismantle my whole rig today.

At the same time I'm happy and sad, happy because in the last couple of months I've been pushing myself to drive, I didn't do much except time trials, and to be completely honest, it's a relief to take a (probably) very big break, I just lost the "spark", it got a bit boring and stale.

I'm sad of course because I'm sure I will miss it at some point, and I'll miss the competition here, chasing thousands and exchanging fastest laps with some of the resident aliens here. I won't be selling my equipment, I just packed it all away and stored it in the basement, it will be waiting for me when I decide the time is right. Maybe 6 months, maybe more, maybe for GT8... Who knows...

I want to take this opportunity to thank every single member of this forum that I had an interaction with, I won't be tagging anyone because there are so many of you and I'm sure I'll forget someone. I learned so much and created so many new "friendships" if you can call it that, this community elevated my hobby to a whole new level, my hobby that kept me sane and helped me clear my mind after long working days, family challenges and all of the daily struggles for the past 3 years.

I will be following the forum for sure, maybe doing some weekly challenge races on the DualSense, but for any competitive stuff - that will have to wait a bit.

Best of luck to all of you in all the upcoming challenges and trials :cheers: :gtpflag:
work is more important than play. Unfortunately or fortunately we are forced to make choices and leave certain things aside. I wish you the best in your work and much success. I hope you will give your news to this community. It was a pleasure to have had you as an advisor when I had questions about purchasing a new crankset. I hope you'll miss it a little anyway and that you'll come back to us soon. Take good care of yourself and above all good luck for the future.:cheers:
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I genuinely wonder whether PD is trying to promote EVs or turn people off them completely.

Like every other EV in the game, the 5N is awful to drive. It's heavy, slow to respond and requires a runway to pull it up for a corner. I know they're heavy, but surely braking performance in EVs isn't actually this bad??

In summary, it's the complete opposite to a pure driving experience.
@Vule we are all on a journey mate and this is a game just filling time as cheap entertainment.

The main focus is always on the real life, the family or business and as much as we will miss you I'm sure I can say we'd all rather you were growing the real you and business/life and we were just pleased to virtually race and banter with ya.

This stuff would always come 3rd fiddle in my life if it needed to, it's a game and a hobby. So go do you and then bring some of that wealth back here! God knows I could do with it :) GL growing the business/self employment mate 🍻
@Vule sad to see you move along, but I'll be glad for that extra space on the leaderboard. 🍻🍻 Life is more important than a game, and I wish you the absolute best in your business. I hope it goes well enough to find your way to a devoted room for your rig.

Also after the vacuum session earlier today I jumped back in the formula car and somehow found 3/4 of a second and am firmly in gold. That was a tough nut to crack for me but I did learn a few things about downforce that I haven't understood before this trial. My coasting game is weak. 😂

My dear fellow racers and friends, it turns out the (ruined) Testarossa time trial is the last one I will be doing, at least in the forseable future. Life got in the way, since I started my private business and didn't rent any office space, I've been working from home, but the need for extra room, extra desk, computers, printers etc unfortunately surpases my available space, and I had to dismantle my whole rig today.

At the same time I'm happy and sad, happy because in the last couple of months I've been pushing myself to drive, I didn't do much except time trials, and to be completely honest, it's a relief to take a (probably) very big break, I just lost the "spark", it got a bit boring and stale.

I'm sad of course because I'm sure I will miss it at some point, and I'll miss the competition here, chasing thousands and exchanging fastest laps with some of the resident aliens here. I won't be selling my equipment, I just packed it all away and stored it in the basement, it will be waiting for me when I decide the time is right. Maybe 6 months, maybe more, maybe for GT8... Who knows...

I want to take this opportunity to thank every single member of this forum that I had an interaction with, I won't be tagging anyone because there are so many of you and I'm sure I'll forget someone. I learned so much and created so many new "friendships" if you can call it that, this community elevated my hobby to a whole new level, my hobby that kept me sane and helped me clear my mind after long working days, family challenges and all of the daily struggles for the past 3 years.

I will be following the forum for sure, maybe doing some weekly challenge races on the DualSense, but for any competitive stuff - that will have to wait a bit.

Best of luck to all of you in all the upcoming challenges and trials :cheers: :gtpflag:
Sad to hear but good luck with the business! You’ll be back I hope, we all know it’s not easy to compete with these aliens, it’s like having two jobs sometimes so you got to enjoy it and have the time to spare, plus PD don’t always make it easy… :cheers: