That explains the online quality...

  • Thread starter Latosius
I disagree with you. The random car algorithm needs to be adjusted. Since I seem to get the same selection most times.

The random car algorithm is likely doing exactly what it's supposed to do. There is likely a "common". "uncommon", and "rare" system in place (as far as I can tell). So, something like a bmw M4 would be common. a Porsche Gr1 Hybrid would be "rare". Every selection will get two common cars, an uncommon car, and a rare car.

What gets selected to fill those spots is likely completely random and it will have no saved information from the day before. So, just because you got a civic yesterday, that means nothing as to whether you would get a civic today.

Getting the same car 4 days in a row is completely possible since it's random.
More or less yea, and also if New drivers learn against this AI then no wonder sport mode is a crash fest.

I don't think that's the reason at all. The reason why sport mode is a crash fest is because players can get away with it with very little consequence. Just turning damage on would go a long way towards correcting the behaviour.
Combining these two, will go a long way to helping a player become a more conscious driver/racer. Sure, some don't will never care, but racing against good AI, helps a player to learn to maximise the cars performance. It'll show what's weak and strong about a car. Then, it also helps the drier to know the car's and their own limit.
Adding another 100hp or adding more downforce, isn't always the solution. I've actually planted my front bumper on the back bumper of a similar AI classic touring car, to beat a more powerful AI touring car. The AI didn't flip out and hit the brakes or swerve or pull over. Good AI, can better help prepare drivers, for good online competition.
Yeah I noticed that every AI driver seems to be too slow and then there's THAT one guy who is just destroying everyone in the race like it's a walk in the park, but even then, I can still beat it.

Case in point, I beat the Maggiore race at Sunday Cup for the first time with the new Ford F150 SVT, which had to be nerfed(about 86% of it's engine horsepower) so I could join the race.

So either this game has glaring balancing issues(which are very well known by now), or the AI is just trash...I believe it's both, to be honest.

They also tend to pit a lot on Northern Island and the slower are very annoying obstacles, and if damage is turned on, they can ruin your race.
If you use class based races with a good BOP then yes you will, plenty of other titles manage it without having to resort to rubber banding.

You even manage to dismiss your own argument by then saying it's possible in custom race mode! If it's possible in that, then it's possible in a curated single player event. Hell it's actually easier in that, as PD get to control all of the variables!
GR 1/3/4 racing in this game is quite competitive. The N classes are not fun at all , tunning needs to be eliminated in order to achieve competitive racing thus defeating the aspect of having a traditional career. It's not an AI thing. The ONLY way to have the N class be fun is to have heavy rear rubber banding ( the cars catch up to you if they fall back and keep pace , they are never slowed down )
What I have noticed is it dead easy to catch up even from a couple of levels below but once you pass the leader they stay with you much better, i.e. I take 20 second out them first lap then once I pass only really gain 1-2 sec a lap from them
GR 1/3/4 racing in this game is quite competitive. The N classes are not fun at all , tunning needs to be eliminated in order to achieve competitive racing thus defeating the aspect of having a traditional career. It's not an AI thing. The ONLY way to have the N class be fun is to have heavy rear rubber banding ( the cars catch up to you if they fall back and keep pace , they are never slowed down )
It's categorically not the only way to make the racing competitive, as demonstrated by the other titles on the market that don't use it.

PD are the ones who have chosen to mix classes of cars in the N category via tuning, something they removed from the Sport races, so why on earth go backwards and throw them into the GT League races!

Yes tuning outside of class (in the absence of any AI adjustment) should have been removed, so should mixing classes without mixed class races!

PD have clearly rushed this and it shows, given that it has the same problems that every GT career mode to date. That includes chronic rubber banding, poor AI behaviour, incorrect rolling starts (designed to hobble the player), and the overall chase the rabbit result it ends in.

All of these were choices PD made, and either they have simply rushed this to the title as a knee jerk to valid criticism (which I believe is the case), or they have singularly ignore every other title on the market, how real racing operates, the changes they made to Sport mode, and the issues that many have raised in the past with GT titles.
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I did some sunday cup races and both times the pink car crashed off at high speed. I don't think that's "good AI" i think it's just bad programming because the car isn't being driven properly.
I think they did it on purpose and i like it, AI should run of the track as we do, so for me it's feels more realistic.

So the daily reward is still messed up.

It's not messed up, it never was either, the reward system is random and with a random reward system you are guaranteed to get some duplicates, i don't see the problem, delete the car you don't want and try again the next day.

Okay. I even suggested a few times in the past that if a career mode was added into this game that there could be events for each class (N100, N200, Gr. 3, etc.) but apparently that wasn’t done for GT League based on what I’m reading about it. They’ve gone back to the old system, and have allowed cars from completely different classes to race together in a disorganized mess.

This is what makes GT a great driving game, in a N400 race, you will race against N100 to N400 cars and you can choose if you want to try to win with a N100 or a N400 car, the more underpowered your car is, the bigger the reward.

This is what makes Gran Turismo a unique driving game and i would't have it any other way.
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It's simply PD making the worst decisions again and again. Try Grid2/ Gris autosport AI, you will never be able to say that a career mode is useless because slow AI.

It's not even like PD is unable to make fast AI, we know this from a long time: the AI in GT4/ GT psp is faster than GT5/6/Sport. Also may I mention the B-Spec bob in GT6 is sometimes very fast? It's an AI that is only seen in B Spec while the rest of the AI is as always incredibly slow, it's possible to finish first with him giving the right instructions in every races of career.

PD deciced to make he AI slow because in their mind, the usual GT player will find it difficult. I don't know where does this mindset come from when eversone prefers challenging games like Dark Souls, multiplayer (COD, LOL, etc..). They acknowledge it which is why they didn't bother with a career mode to begin with, and that makes their decision even more nonsensical.
Yawn, If you let people choose their car outside of a curated class, you will NEVER have close racing unless PD implements HEAVY rubberbanding, but then folks would still cry. I'v said it time and time again, the traditional GT career mode ( in every game) is nothing more than preselected arcade races. The reason there are a few rabbit cars is to encourage tuning ( the thing you guys cry about daily). The mission races are the unique scenarios that were genuinely entertaining. Im bored already while I binged all of the career races which were genuinely fresh. PD did the RIGHT thing by ditching the career mode, its boring lame, and if it wasn't for championships, redundant. If PD gave us more options, in custom race, I would never want to touch career mode.

Polyphony gave us a pretty decent CUSTOM RACE MODE with pretty great AI and 99% of people on here brush it off . Great you got your ****** carrear mode, its basically preselected arcade races ( claps). You had unlimited scenarios in a custom race , but nope we want pre-made races!!

Want to race Gr.4 cars, go to freaking custom race and SELECT it . Seriously. I can select if I want BOP on or off, I can select my cars power, the grids tires, penalties etc. IF PD gave us the ability to make custom championships, select the grid from our garage, and or/ powerplant/manufacturer/ country. I would honestly never bother with any stupid career mode ever.

PD is trying to move away from an archaic outdated, and clunky game design that WILL NEVER provide satisfactory racing without rubberbanding. But give the fans their crap, long live mediocrity. I hope the next game is 100% online.

So it’s everyone else’s fault that PD is too incompetent to implement this “prett great AI” and to use the tools in custom races when designing a career mode.

Okay. I even suggested a few times in the past that if a career mode was added into this game that there could be events for each class (N100, N200, Gr. 3, etc.) but apparently that wasn’t done for GT League based on what I’m reading about it. They’ve gone back to the old system, and have allowed cars from completely different classes to race together in a disorganized mess.

And I would tell you to not play it and simply ignore it if you hate it so much, but you seem to have gotten enough of that in the thread you made complaining about GT League’s existence.
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Every time that I want to believe that PD improved the AI, I get reminded that they'll possibly never forsake their 'trademark' zombie AI. Only this time, the zombies seem to have their own personalities. Like that blue RX-7 that pops up in the FR races slides around like a wet bar of soap.

I think he's the same AI from GT2 that used to pop up in a C4 Corvette Gran Sport at Apricot Hill or Midfield Raceway. Always last because it kept spinning out on mid speed corners!
So it’s everyone else’s fault that PD is too incompetent to implement this “prett great AI” and to use the tools in custom races when designing a career mode.

Okay. I even suggested a few times in the past that if a career mode was added into this game that there could be events for each class (N100, N200, Gr. 3, etc.) but apparently that wasn’t done for GT League based on what I’m reading about it. They’ve gone back to the old system, and have allowed cars from completely different classes to race together in a disorganized mess.

And I would tell you to not play it and simply ignore it if you hate it so much, but you seem to have gotten enough of that in the thread you made complaining about GT League’s existence.
Because its quite evident PD is going to focus their efforts on that garbage down the line while ignoring the superior mission mode.They somehow managed to make TWO one make events! You know the same one make events you can make in 25 seconds in a custom race! I guess im upset because PD is going back to their old ****** habits instead of improving. they did most everything right with sport ( minus the lack of content )
The odds of getting the exact same choice 5 times, purely randomly, are pretty astronimical.

I mean if you cant figure out that there is some sort of odds to the random gift wheel then I dont know what to tell you. It seems pretty obvious that the game has separated the gift giving into some sort of invisible class where the cars that most of us deem useless pop up more often than the cars you really want. If you think your chances of getting a Ford Focus ST and a Toyota TS-050 are equal then there really is no hope for you understanding this concept.

edit: also, sorry for the thread bump, I was on vacation for a week
As if it would be impossible to create a random car selector except the cars you already have. A gift can hardly be consider a gift if you already have that car....
I dont see a thread about this on GT planet so dont think they will add this if they do not “know” it is a problem. See also the long exam thread i started ;)
As if it would be impossible to create a random car selector except the cars you already have. A gift can hardly be consider a gift if you already have that car....

If that was the case then there would be no use for credits after 140 days lol. I like the random nature of the drawing. Yeah i might get duplicates but... hey... its free, and when I get a rare car i am excited. Plus i have made purchases at brand central for cars that i was not willing to wait for (Shelby Cobra most recently--:bowdown:yeah, awesome car--)

And... really... its not a gift because you already have one?