"That Lady is Cute... What Lady? That's a Robot, Dude!"

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
GTPlanet, I was watching my favorite sports show, "Pardon the Interruption," and during Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon's show, they played "Good Coop/Bad Cop." The interesting deal was that there was the creation of a complely lifelike Japanese female robot. Whatever it's called, whomever made it, the robo-cutie looks completely lifelike.

For more information, take a GOOOOOD look at these two links:

What do you make of this thing? If this isn't in the right thread or if it's discussed already, move or close this thread. By the way, this is called the "Repliee Q1," made by Osaka University. It was introduced during the 2005 World Expo in Japan. What do you make of this thing?
Well I would.

Actually, that does make me wonder (lowest common denominator - sorry). How realistic IS it? Who created THAT part and what kind of freaky weirdo are they?
Ugh! The little girl android is creepy. :nervous: I didn't like the movie "A.I." much either.

How long until Cherry 2000 becomes a reality do you reckon?

Someone is bound to create something similar when the technology matures. I'm betting the guarantee would have some 'interesting' proviso's tho' :D.
I've met less realistic women before, most of them were more plastic and probably had lesser social skills.
I've met less realistic women before, most of them were more plastic and probably had lesser social skills.

The possibilities are endless... :dopey:

Still doesn't answer that age-old question, how do you turn the damn thing on... ?
Touring Mars

The possibilities are endless... :dopey:

Still doesn't answer that age-old question, how do you turn the damn thing on... ?

A back massage with baby oil.


I'm betting the guarantee would have some 'interesting' proviso's tho'

Yeh, you could just imagine it... "Yes, I'm sorry sir, but the robot wasn't designed for use in the shower...." ;)

I'm not sure I'd fancy a (ahem) 'relationship' with an android... that would be the sexual equivalent of B-Spec... :yuck:
A back massage with baby oil.


I bet some people would find some 'intresting' things to do with that robot :sly:

That robokid looks freaky though.
Ever seen the MasterCard identity theft commerical where the hacker-nerd goes:

"... and $15,000 to complete my robot... hrr hrr, *snort*

...my girl robot.. hrr, hrr...

this is going to be the best prom evar!"

I guess he's finally done.

How would you like to be the guy at the robot service shop that has to clean the thing out ?
Well I would.

Actually, that does make me wonder (lowest common denominator - sorry). How realistic IS it? Who created THAT part and what kind of freaky weirdo are they?
Ever seen any Japanese porn? It's totally within the realm of possibility.
Actually, that does make me wonder (lowest common denominator - sorry). How realistic IS it? Who created THAT part and what kind of freaky weirdo are they?

Am I the only one who has seen the products advertised on these internet porn sites?? They've already been working on THAT part. I'd bet they'd been working on THAT part long before anyone worked on the robot. Rest assured, they have a robot part that would be sufficient.

...and then you indeed could "hit it".

What internet porn sites? :sly:

I was more referring to the... external appearance. I'm aware of certain products which emulate the inside (though I don't especially want to think about it), but if she's got "realistic" silicone skin... errr... "all over", someone must have spent a time sculpting that region.

On a lighter note, do you think she's Brazilian or Hollywood? Trimmed or Hirsute?

*waves magnets around brain, to wipe memory and imagination*

What internet porn sites? :sly:

I was more referring to the... external appearance. I'm aware of certain products which emulate the inside (though I don't especially want to think about it), but if she's got "realistic" silicone skin... errr... "all over", someone must have spent a time sculpting that region.

On a lighter note, do you think she's Brazilian or Hollywood? Trimmed or Hirsute?

*waves magnets around brain, to wipe memory and imagination*

I'll pm you the site. :)

The external part has also been worked on for some time... and it's always Brazilian - she is Japanese afterall. I assume you've seen the x rated anime? If not.. and you haven't seen the other products advertised, then I have to question whether you even know how to appropriately use your internet connection. ;)
Why do you think I don't like bald women? Too easy to fake...
Why do you think I don't like bald women? Too easy to fake...


So anyway... does anyone have a video of this robot? I'd like to see just how realistic the movement and speech?? is.

So anyway... does anyone have a video of this robot? I'd like to see just how realistic the movement and speech?? is.

Jesus Christ! It can SPEAK? They really have been working on that part for a while, eh?

Oh, you meant... Ah, right.

Didn't even see her lips move... :D
Some poor bloke spends years developing a cutting-edge android - and all we comment on is it's potential for sexual exploitation! :rolleyes:

...just how many orifices do you think it has? :boggled:
Some poor bloke spends years developing a cutting-edge android - and all we comment on is it's potential for sexual exploitation!

...just how many orifices do you think it has?

Comeon!!! It's every guy's dream to be able to build himself the perfect woman right?? A robot is perfect because it won't complain, you can turn it off... and you OWN it!!!

Which is what we all want deep down right? Slaves?


Joking aside. I think it has no orifices, but 1 would be sufficient - it doesn't need a working nose or ears...
Comeon!!! It's every guy's dream to be able to build himself the perfect woman right?? A robot is perfect because it won't complain, you can turn it off... and you OWN it!!!

Which is what we all want deep down right? Slaves?


You know, I think I'll get these guys to build one that looks just like my wife and then teach it to do some wild, mind blowing crap my wife would never in a million years do... like parallel park.

Let me tell you something. Osaka University and that other company (starts with a "K" I forget) have really created two monsters. I guess to be funny, you can say that Repliee Q1 is a single mother, in terms of the Repliee R1. Only thing worse than robots like the Repliee Q1 and R1 is an android that can breakdance! Especially those of you who seen the new FOX show "So You Think You Can Dance," you'd shudder to imagine a robot as lifelike as the Repliee robots, but knows how to get down and dirty to the music.

I think the Repliee Q1 and R1 are two exceptional masterpieces of engineering. Someone managed to create two robots to look, feel, even breathe. It's something I don't think anyone would undertake. I thought that Honda's robot ASIMO (Avanced Step in I[/U]nnovative Mobility; http://world.honda.com/ASIMO ) was quite interesting, but the Repliee robots may far exceed ASIMO. Do I feel the least bit creeped about these robots? I actually feel pretty shocked and amazed someone would pull off something like this. I'm sure that if it serves some functional purpose, we shouldn't be too critical about it.

I think the difference between ASIMO and Repliee for what I know, is that ASIMO can actually be bought. I believe if you have enough to buy a Ford GT (almost $160,000 USD), you can get yourself the 4-foot tall ASIMO to help out around the house and stuff. The Repliee robots are very unbelievable. Of course, you know what you're getting when you cross together Japan and technology. The sky's the limit there.
You know, I think I'll get these guys to build one that looks just like my wife and then teach it to do some wild, mind blowing crap my wife would never in a million years do... like parallel park.


:lol: :lol: 👍