That Segway scooter thing - do we really need to walk less?

  • Thread starter vat_man


Staff Emeritus
Did anyone see this thing on the news?

Now, Australia sits just behind the US in terms of obesity and people overweight. Do we really need things that result in people walking less?

As a bike rider, anything that removes cars from the road is a good thing, but why do I get the impression I going to get one of these things propelling a 55 year old, 130kg grotesquely overweight man who hasn't walked in ten years running over my ankles?

And here's a question - who's going to be riding these things when it's raining?

(PS - The writer would not like the irony of him forming his opinion on this invention whilst walking on a treadmill at the gym pointed out to him)


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Yeah i saw this on the news. I dont know what to say about this. Maybe just some other usless thing to have around the house? :rolleyes:
i think they are building this thing up way to much... so much so it might have the oppsite effect on people...

I have heard everyone on the radio dissing it, making fun of it... :rolleyes:
I agree, this thing is pretty silly! :rolleyes: But, I do see its usefullness at large warehouses, big outdoor park areas, and things like that.
You know, it is just like those electric scooters that are being sold just the Segway has a different look to it. Also, I do not think you will see many of these around. Unless you can afford to put down $3000 dollars for one. I think it is stupid. :rolleyes:
Yes, I believe the human body comes with this as a standard function - I understand it's called RUNNING!!

I still think once the price comes down we'll see people on these things and the people will be the type that should be walking.

Similar thing happens in golf. I'm an ardent walker, carry the bag, very traditionalist.

It kills me when you get guys who are well overweight and in their mid-50s who laugh at me and give me a bad time for walking when they're driving their damn carts.

Enjoy your heart attack boys. Hope you survive the first one (after that you're on your own).
Yes and no, and I'll tell you why. If you have to walk a decent way and cross a big intersection, it would be good for those type of things, and besides the scooter has a top speed of 17 mph! :happy: However no also because the overweight people need their exercise or down the road/ in the future or they will die. :tapedshut
These things dont make any kind of sense at all. They cant be used on the streets, and it would be a terrible idea to have these things cruising around on sidewalks going 17mph. sidewalks arent even made for that kind of transportation, and of course you have the problem of people running into pedestrians.

Why dont people just get a REAL scooter? How about a Honda Silverwing? :) it'll go a helluva lot faster than 17mph :P.

It has...already been determined that...the human race will evolve into shapeless 400 pound...masses of semi-inteligent flesh with vestigal apendenges.

It seem only...natural for your facilitate this transformation with your technology.
Originally posted by Jordan
I agree, this thing is pretty silly! :rolleyes: But, I do see its usefullness at large warehouses, big outdoor park areas, and things like that.

those little kick scooters are also useful for that, i have two, my dad takes one to work at the movies, the studios are huge, its pretty far to walk all the way across, and its faster than running, id rather pay 100$ and get excersize than 3000 and be a big greasy fat pig.
It looks pretty stupid, and it's way too expensive.

If it does come down in price (which it probably will) it could be popular. But it'd be better for people to get some exercise.
And where would you park it? What about stairs? Sidesteps? Crowds?

This thing is STUPID!!!! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Agent Smith
It has...already been determined that...the human race will evolve into shapeless 400 pound...masses of semi-inteligent flesh with vestigal apendenges.

It seem only...natural for your facilitate this transformation with your technology.


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Yeah, we need to encourage people to live a more sedentary lifestyle. :dunce:

What about a bicycle? Been around for hundreds of years, gets you out and your heart rate up. I believe they'll top 17 mph as well. :rolleyes:
LOL! Lance Armstrong can probably go 17 mph on his bike wiithout peddling uphill!

Just think: with cars, if you get mad at the driver in front of you, you curse silently. But, if someone cuts you off in one of these things, well, free speech will be overused!
I saw this on the news -- in Florida, cops are gonna start using them to patrol beach bordwalks and the like. Um...
Originally posted by Jordan
Yeah, $3000 to go 12 mph standing up... :lol:

Ya my first car only was $600 and it went 82mph.

Also I'm on a FIRST robotics team. Dean Kammen (the inventor) runs FIRST and at the compotions he always has the damn scooter. I think its a good invetion for ware houses, postal services, and other things along that lines. But the general public shouldn't get them.
Originally posted by Dudebusta
fat bastards dont wanna use bikes, they wanna become even fatter and buy one of those dumb scooters.

I'm going to be really fit when I'm old so I can beat up old fat people and take their stuff.