That Segway scooter thing - do we really need to walk less?

  • Thread starter vat_man
Originally posted by youth_cycler
LOL! Lance Armstrong can probably go 17 mph on his bike wiithout peddling uphill!

Just think: with cars, if you get mad at the driver in front of you, you curse silently. But, if someone cuts you off in one of these things, well, free speech will be overused!
Actually, Lance could probably do 25-30mph.
Originally posted by Talentless
i have no balance for bikes, but that segway is stupid.

Actually, the big benefit to Segway (originally called Ginger when it was in development) is that it has all these built in Gyroscopes that will stop you from taking a big dive over the front, or off the back. It will adjust itself as necessary to compensate for weight transfer.

It is actually quite an amazing beast...

It was originally being designed with the plan of it being using a Hydrogen Cell to power it, however, that apparently has been dropped.

If the price drops (significantly), I'd pick one up. Just for touring down to the office from my home. Too far to walk and I'm too lazy to ride a bike to.

I'm aiming for being one of those 400lb gelatinous (sp??) guys.
I'm in shape... I'm just in the shape of a pear.
I did not mean that the segway needs balance skill. anyway. i'm not interested in looking dumber than i do.
Originally posted by Talentless
I did not mean that the segway needs balance skill. anyway. i'm not interested in looking dumber than i do.


Ok, sorry, my mistake. I myself have horrible balance, so I'd love a Segway to make the necessary adjustments for me.

lol - years ago I had bought a motorcycle and had to get rid of it 'cause my balance is horrible. I need 4 wheels beneath me.
Originally posted by Puffy
nice, it's gonna be so easy to run away from them:D

Just make sure you take a mate along hopefully the cop will jump off and run after you, then your mate can nick the scooter. You sell it for a thousand bucks on the black market and get your motor serviced. Nice! :lol:
You could at least bundle an ipoo an' a psp with aforementioned transportation , this is an old model though , so . . . gadvance the product to any suckers still not on the disabled olympics team , they really do have shoe chairs ( sloth what i mean ).Typ - o .
You could at least bundle an ipoo an' a psp with aforementioned transportation , this is an old model though , so . . . gadvance the product to any suckers still not on the disabled olympics team , they really do have shoe chairs ( sloth what i mean ).Typ - o .
Why did you revive a three year old dead topic just to post a bunch of nonsense I can't understand?
You could at least bundle an ipoo an' a psp with aforementioned transportation , this is an old model though , so . . . gadvance the product to any suckers still not on the disabled olympics team , they really do have shoe chairs ( sloth what i mean ).Typ - o .
:lol: Wow, that might just be the most non-sense I've ever seen anyone post. :dunce:
On topic though, it's interesting to be reminded that three years ago, these were going to replace everyone's legs. To date, I have seen two: one on a bike trail (now that really is lazy) and one on my college campus (could be justified, seeing as how I've had classes a mile apart, but still rather extravagent).
What I can't understand is why gyroscopes and complicated balancing technology is needed on a Segway, what's wrong with a third wheel?

Image taken from Maddox's article "How to render the Segway Human Transporter obsolete" whixh can be found here.
I think it's not a bad idea since Post Offices are getting them around here to help get work done faster.

I wouldn't worry about any fat dudes since I haven't exactly seen a billion dollar fat man.
What I can't understand is why gyroscopes and complicated balancing technology is needed on a Segway, what's wrong with a third wheel?

Image taken from Maddox's article "How to render the Segway Human Transporter obsolete" whixh can be found here.

Could you try being original for once? Maddox D-rider. 👎

Anyway, the third wheel would defeat the purpose of using a segway, anyway. You just lean, you don't use propulsion.
<8- ) ^
but anyway, i have yet to see one. didn't el presidente fall off one somehow?
i would rather walk than ride one but i still want to try one out :) seems like it would be a intresting experience.
It could be useful in some very secure buildings , where only that wheel tread was recognized as non-intrusive* , also probably help in co-ordination of movements around supposed complex .


* by the flooring , of course , any security experts around ?
It could be useful in some very secure buildings , where only that wheel tread was recognized as non-intrusive* , also probably help in co-ordination of movements around supposed complex .

* by the flooring , of course , any security experts around ?
Have you seen people try and control these things accurately without considerable practise? Anything but co-ordinated...
Wow, uh... kinda dead thread. :dopey:

Anyway, that matrix comment at the beginning was hilarious.

In a school situation like mine where I have two choices...

1. pay $200 for a sem. parking pass in which I'm not assured a space

2. drive incredibly far to where there's free parking and I actually have a chance to find a space then ride my scooter to school.

3. buy a $3000 bulky segway

I'll take #2 thanks. :dopey:
Wow, uh... kinda dead thread. :dopey:

Anyway, that matrix comment at the beginning was hilarious.

In a school situation like mine where I have two choices...

1. pay $200 for a sem. parking pass in which I'm not assured a space

2. drive incredibly far to where there's free parking and I actually have a chance to find a space then ride my scooter to school.

3. buy a $3000 bulky segway

I'll take #2 thanks. :dopey:
You forgot 4. Get an apartment across the street from campus and within walking distance of the bars. I was actually closer to my classes than the dorms were.