The 2nd GTP Banner Contest, Theme: "Snoopy Design Studios"

  • Thread starter sn00pie
Hey everyone, all the banners look really GOOD. Lot's of "professional" looking ones! Good job guy's!
Sn00pie, looks like SDS is doing very well!

I sent you e-mail.
Heres just a simple one i did. Dont know if you still want ideas but here.

Im not too good as you can tell but this might give some one else some ideas. ;)


  • cool copy.gif
    cool copy.gif
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Alright, I'm giving you guys something to work with.



  • logo_site_small.gif
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Originally posted by Viper Zero
No! I win! :cool:

snoopy design studios beta3.jpg

snoopy design studios beta4.jpg
Hmm..I tried modifying yours cuz i thought it would look better with green eyes...

I donnot in anyway take credit for this..its your banner...just giving you an opinion.


  • sn00pie.jpg
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Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
Alright, I'm giving you guys something to work with.


Alright, much better. Here you go, this is my entry. I'm sticking with it:
Come on people, try it! It's not that hard at all, you just need PSP7. I want the poll to be set up and the winner decided... :shades:
I was bored, so here's one i made out of boredom (not to be used in the final poll...psh. If there is one anyway... :rolleyes: ):
Correction, you guys ran out of ideas. I've got plenty of ideas!

Just go to>images and type in: poo, gear, metal, sun, universe or any word... You'll get some killer banner material!
I didn't mean to be pissy. I just think this contest has gone on long enough....You don't need 6+ entries...
Originally posted by GCstyle
I didn't mean to be pissy. I just think this contest has gone on long enough....You don't need 6+ entries...

Erhm, last contest had 15.

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