The $8.40 G27 rig!

  • Thread starter ildd
United States
Houston, TX
First, I'd like to appreciate the help I got from my first thread regarding the G27, here. I have finally got my G27, after FedEx lost it(had to re-order- and got it $45 cheaper).

I got it as a Christmas gift from my parents, and they originally bought it for $286. Well, it was lost, and was re-ordered for $263. The next day after, I got a $24 refund from Amazon because the price dropped, making it $239.

If you remember, I was tight on both money and space, which is why I had to get rather creative with this. The main piece of wood I used was originally a shelf that came from the desk on which the rig was attached to, and the secondary was just some scrap wood I found in my garage, which I used to attach the shifter. So far, so free.

I used one of the half pieces and the wheel itself sits on it, while the other end is attached to the desk via 2 door hinges ($4.50). I had to get the right screws so I could mount the wheel and shifter to the wood, which costed $1.50, as well as 3x 2 1/2 screws($1.20), and 2x 3 inch screws($1.20), so I could make sure everything was held together correctly. After I had everything I needed, I cut the remaining 1/2 shelf into another 1/2, and attached them on top of each other, and then below the wheel. This would be the base on which the shifter is attached to, and sits about 1 foot to the right of the wheel, and 3 inches lower.

For the pedals, I had to elevate the part that was closer to me so I wouldn't tear my Achilles... I used a spare 3lb barbell. If you're wondering why I had to do that, It's because I'm sitting in an office chair that is equivalent to that of a truck, in terms of height. Works perfectly.

Lastly, I used an old little league metal bat that supported the rig, that runs from the closest part of the rig downward, just in front the pedals.
Let's review the materials.
Door hinges--$4.50
Amount of time put in to GT6--priceless
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I've seen a lot of cockpits with center posts, but a bat? never. :lol: I also love your PS3's "Cooling base".

Good job. :)
:D the bat was a last minute addition. I was originally going to buy a pneumatic hinge, like on screen doors. I saw that in my garage, as I was opening my car door and said "Worth a shot"... perfect fit.
I've been using the cooling base for 2 years now :lol: thing overheats by itself in 30 minutes... with the fan, I had no problems after 4 full days of bspec widget racing on gt5.

It's probably the most creative cockpit out there.
A baseball bat in a sim racing rig? 'Murica!
http://[domain blocked due to malware]/images/300x/8135396.jpg

The bat isn't actually attached to the piece of wood your wheel and shifter are on, is it? Looks like you could accidentally kick the bat away and end up with your wheel and shifter smacking into the TV stand. That could be... potentially bad.
A baseba

The bat isn't actually attached to the piece of wood your wheel and shifter are on, is it? Looks like you could accidentally kick the bat away and end up with your wheel and shifter smacking into the TV stand. That could be... potentially bad.
it is not- it's meant to easily take away and fold. But yes, if I'm sitting there and the bat falls, I'm taking 2 screws to the knees, and if I move quick enough, the wheel will small into the brake pedal. So... lose-lose right now.

But, there is about 30lb on the knob. I purposely tried to knock it loose with light pressure and it didn't budge.
An idea to try. Get a piece of wood about 4 inches or so square and an inch or two thick and drill a hole in it the size of the stop on the bat handle.

Screw that to the base of your table where the bat goes and that should hold it in place.

Mind you that might double the cost of your rig. :) ;)
I Love the fatty PS3 sitting on top of the huge fan :lol:

Good setup, good price.

@starcarper I was thinking about doing that, but I would only be able to secure the wood on 1 side, as the other would hang over. I haven't had any troubles after 8 hours of paying.
@Jump_Ace Thanks, haha. I got it used in oct. 2011, so far no problems :)