- 2,760
Minnesota01R6personal attacks = what you do when you don't have a good argument.
Actually I did have an argument, and if you'd care to actually read through the whole thread you can find this argument in post #16 (where I agree the reporter and her driver were not wise) and post #23 (where I try to look at the situation from the reporter and her driver's perspective).
And as for you, ViperZero, I have turned over a new leaf, and I do not resort to personal attacks unless a member has pushed me to my limit. I have never liked you or the way you peddle your American-patriotism bull**** all over the Opinions Forum. However I have tolerated it and for the most part I have declined to post replies in any of the threads you have started.
But when I see you and ledhed discussing better ways to try and stop a car and kill the people inside it, a la:
ledhedThey should have had a missile.
ViperZeroThe main 120mm cannon from a M1A2 would have been better.
I feel it is my duty and my right to step in and tell you how I feel about you. It's part of my mission to make sure you're aware that your egotistical and ignorant attitude will not go unchecked on GTP. It will most certainly be checked, by me.
And even if you think I've gone back on my new leaf, I still haven't called you anything as disrespectful as a "Tool." Did you think I had forgotten about that? I haven't. I just decided to overlook it and let bygones be bygones, in the vain hope that you might mature and smarten up a little.
Which you quite obviously haven't and most likely never will.
ViperZero, you are to American patriotism what SuperCobraJet is to Christianity.
For an explanation on what this means, look no further than this thread.