The A.I. has basically cost me ONE THIRD OF THE CREDITS!

  • Thread starter RSClio182
The Trial Mountain Cup 2 race championship is a piece of cake to win and get the CRB. 100,000 credits total, probably done that 50 times. Weapon of choice the ZL1 Camaro. But they should also award a 100% Clean Championship Bonus if you CRB both races. Just saying…..
An indicator would be great, because not every contact with another car spoils the CRB...

But I never quit the race because I din't get the bonus(or I think I'll not getting it), the credits are not all that important...

And like I stated in my previous post, the most sucsess in getting it I have when I don't really try to get it and just drive...just did the WTC700 Championship and I got the CRB in two of the three races without even trying to do so...
It seems to me the CRB criteria is tighter in the more advanced races than Sunday or Clubman Cup, where you can bump the walls, go off track, just don't bump heavily another car and you will be OK. Advanced races, just go offtrack or bump a wall and the bonus is gone.
The AI is still bad, but it's miles above GT-Sp. One thing I swear by, but can't quantify, is the AI actually races you extremely well and clean... but only on certain tracks. It's like PD spent their AI time on some tracks but ran out of time for the others. I've had some fantastic races with the AI on N24; often side-by-side through multiple turns where it leaves me space and I leave it space; sometimes I win out and other times the AI does.

Other tracks we'll be in a drag race on a straight it it'll just turn into me like I'm not even there, sometimes it's bad enough where I'll get PIT maneuvered. I swear that noise costs me the CRB more often than not. Or going through a turn, nose to tail... hit the apex, ease on the gas and the AI brake checks me at the worst possible time... welp, there goes my CRB, thanks a lot!
i love it when they tap the brakes on the corner apex... your only choice is to brake and lose all momentum or hit them...and lose all momentum.
There is another choice...don't follow blindly and take a different racing line through that corner...