The age of the Earth

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by M5Power
Good point. In the 16th century, Galileo hypothesized that the Earth rotated around the sun. The church though it was crazy and attempted to kick him out for his blasphemous idea.

But like you say, science just re-enforces Biblical facts.

That was because "The Church" felt that they were at the center of the universe which was a common belief of the time, this theory was not substantiated by Biblical writtings, but rather it was derived by the popular opinions of the time.
Originally posted by Pako
That was because "The Church" felt that they were at the center of the universe which was a common belief of the time, this theory was not substantiated by Biblical writtings, but rather it was derived by the popular opinions of the time.

I was trying to show the Church's tolerance toward new ideas, but whatever.
Originally posted by M5Power
I was trying to show the Church's tolerance toward new ideas, but whatever.

That's fine, thank-you, I just didn't want readers to think that "The Church" had Biblical grounds for thinking that the Sun revolved around the Earth.

It's cool.

So the age of the earth, how old are we saying it is now?
Christian fundementalist or literalist?

I don't know man, too much information points towards our earth be older than 8,000 years, but until we as a scientific community can arive at a stable means of dating the earth, we really don't know do we? Mathematics guess' at the age of the universe, yet there is no way to know for sure with evidence, all we have is speculation, and the same holds true for the age of the earth correct?
Originally posted by milefile
How the hell can you say the Earth is 31 years old because that is all that is demonstrable to you, and then throw around even more undemonstrable, and untenable, things like Subconscious and Superconscious?

Karl Jung. Pa-leeze :rolleyes:

hey...i never invented this stuff, its basic psychology...pick up 'psychology for dummies' and check it out....

as for the 31 year old thing....all i can say, is if the earth is older than that, i only have other people word for it. i havent experienced it for myself so i have no hard proof....i know its an extreme view-point and one that i dont seriously behold but it is a valid arguement nonetheless..
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
hey...i never invented this stuff, its basic psychology...pick up 'psychology for dummies' and check it out....

as for the 31 year old thing....all i can say, is if the earth is older than that, i only have other people word for it. i havent experienced it for myself so i have no hard proof....i know its an extreme view-point and one that i dont seriously behold but it is a valid arguement nonetheless..

It was a valid argument almost five hundred years ago, and even then it was more of a mental excercise that yeilded no results. It's called Cartesian doubt, and has been done.

Basic phychology? Psychology for dummies? I majored in psychology for two years. I am familiar with it, which is why I know it's so ridiculous.
It's hard for me to understand why it is impossible for Christians to accept Jesus, and that the Earth and universe are very, very old. I would think it would make their belief even more beautiful, even deeper. This need to interpret the bible literally only points to an inability to think critically, an ability that only God could have bestowed. They throw off so much of what is great about our species and cling to the most rudimentary and base instincts. I doubt. Jesus never asked for that. God never commanded it. Science and God do not contradict eachother. But Bilical literalists contradict both.
Originally posted by milefile
It's hard for me to understand why it is impossible for Christians to accept Jesus, and that the Earth and universe are very, very old. I would think it would make their belief even more beautiful, even deeper. This need to interpret the bible literally only points to an inability to think critically, an ability that only God could have bestowed. They throw off so much of what is great about our species and cling to the most rudimentary and base instincts. I doubt. Jesus never asked for that. God never commanded it. Science and God do not contradict eachother. But Bilical literalists contradict both.

Very well put, and I think I totally agree without a doubt maybe. ;)

Literal - Jesus died on the cross.
Symbolism - Under every rock, there I am.
Symbolism taken Literal - 2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.