Your grass must take a lot of mowing!It flew right over my house!
Pic from one of the escort jets.
Agirldummy on a bike..... Technically, it's nothing special but I'll just leave it here.....
*girl on bike*
And obligatory military wallpapers.
Negative, Ghost Rider, pattern is full.
WINNIPEG A situation that officials described as volatile and dangerous began to ease late Monday as fire crews started to knock back a massive blaze at a Winnipeg warehouse holding highly explosive fuel used for car racing.
No one was hurt when fire and explosions rocked Speedway International, a company that boasts on its website it is North Americas No. 1 source for 99.99% racing methanol.
Who knew sand could look so damn colourful and interesting? Gary Greenberg, thats who, whose incredible microphotography reveals each grain of sand to be a kaleidoscope of colour and texture that defies its rather bland reputation
This Is Colossal.comFor nearly a decade since the late 1970s artist Takanori Aiba worked as a maze illustrator for Japanese fashion magazine POPYE. The following decade he worked as an architect and finally in 2003 decided to merge the two craftsthe design of physical space and the drawing of labyrinthsinto these incredibly detailed tiny worlds. Using craft paper, plastic, plaster, acrylic resin, paint and other materials Aiba constructs sprawling miniature communities that wrap around bonsai trees, lighthouses, and amongst the cliffs of nearly vertical islands. I would love to visit every single one of these places, if only I was 6 feet shorter. See more of Aibas work here. (via design you trust)