The amazing and cool video thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Cadger Christmas lighshow anyone? I promise, for those participating, including me, there is no Wham! anywhere in these videos.

EDIT: You may need to view these within the YouTube app or site, as 360 videos dont seem to support embedding.

Best viewed with a smartphone, especially if you happen to own Google Cardboard or something similar:

And something a little more relevant to the forum itself:
I don't know if these have been posted before, but it's amazing that this quality of work can be created in real-time, with no rendering or pre-animation. Photo-sensitive epilepsy warning for the first video (can very easily trigger)

Monthly bump.

Fencing with visualized swings and bright colours.

No LEDs are actually attached. It's CGI, but it's still pretty cool to see the lines and fencing technical work in slow mo.
Balls, this pilot has some...

I cannot believe none of the deck crew got sliced in half by that snapping cable, very lucky.