The amazing and cool video thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
On the related videos theres one of the giant cent and a mouse, that was a good watch. Completely emptied out the mouse, i didn't know that those guys were that tuff.
That was a pretty realistic looking deal there. I thought it was some really good animatronics until i seen the black stocking legs sticking out the bottom.
Best impersonation and performance ive seen at these type of shows...

Would have liked to see more of the actual performance and less of the reaction to the performance. Just when the guy starts spinning or something they cut to show you the crowd cheering. WTF?
I have always wondered how he is able to travel so much, money wise and time wise.
lol, I didn't notice there was a guy doing it till the vid was half over. That has got to be the most realistic suit ever.
Battle at Kruger - It's amazing something like this was all captured on video.

Knee was down. ;)

But really, I don't think the officials had a clean look at it anyway.

Edit: First time, posting in this thread, why not make a contribution...could go here or in the CC, but whatever.

Some people claim it's a rip-off, but even so, these guys did it better.
Loved the video above :lol:

And now for something completely different. Probably the best stop-motion film I've seen.

Tony vs. Paul

I like the dancing round the world one, but what's he got against Hong Kong or the Chinese mainland?!
He for sure has some great illusions, lucky for him its this century or they would have burned him for real for fear of him being a witch! Haha
A Pelican eating a Pigeon ALIVE. Enjoy!

I already posted this in the funny video thread. But I'd say it's more amazing and cool than it is funny.
I know is impossible for a regular person to do that but, dont you wish to have that amazing skill?

I do!