"The anti drift" aka i dont know what else to call it.

United States
Keeping it short:

Sometimes during a drift, some input on my part will violently whip my vehicle in the opposite direction. Most of the time resulting in a full 360 spin.

I go into a corner drifting, overshoot a little, try to correct by adjusting direction more towards exit while letting off the throttle, (BAM!) I whip around.

What is happening and is there a name for this specific blunder?
Off throttle oversteer. When you let up on the gas the front tires get more grip and since they probably weren't slipping much anyways the extra grip will act to cause the front end to rotate very rapidly. Since your rear end was already sliding freely the back tires have no chance to catch traction so the result is a spin.

Practice a bit you need to either increase your steering angle while maintaining your throttle position or else ease off the throttle without altering your steering angle. Natural tendency is to do both which results in what your experiencing.:D
Off throttle oversteer. When you let up on the gas the front tires get more grip and since they probably weren't slipping much anyways the extra grip will act to cause the front end to rotate very rapidly. Since your rear end was already sliding freely the back tires have no chance to catch traction so the result is a spin.

Practice a bit you need to either increase your steering angle while maintaining your throttle position or else ease off the throttle without altering your steering angle. Natural tendency is to do both which results in what your experiencing.:D

Ya just let off the gas a bit until you are more even than slowly tap the gas to move forward while maintaining the drift. Easiest thing to do is just slow down more before you enter so you can hold a smooth drift the entire time without having to worry about these problems.

lol this guy is my hero. Not only does he do everything perfect, but he was looking back and talking the whole time.