The Arcade Mode FAQ v1.3b

  • Thread starter Ghostrider
Originally posted by Poolplayer_87
Does washing your car really do anything? i've personaly never seen a differance!

Just wondering

:D it made me larff alot ,like putting your car in a Bendix
but i dont think it improves the car ,However,changing wheels?now thats another story,try it.
Originally posted by gran_turismo_bandit
and when do you unlock the escudo? you do unlock it in arcade, right?

I don't think so ... I've unlocked everything and I don't remember seeing it. It would show up in the Rally cars, because that's what it really is.

Tee hee.

I just started a new GT3 save and I always like to finish the arcade mode before I start the Simulation bit. I did all the TT's in reverse order and smashed my complex string time by over a second! and I haven't done TT1 yet because I don't want to spoil the game by using the panos from the start, or having the cash from selling the panos. Gonna finish off arcade mode tonight though. :D
The faq says TCS and ASM are on and can not be turned off. This is not true. Go into Game Options from any screen where you can and navigate to a screen that includes Anti Spin Mechanism and Traction Control System. Each has on and off options.

I have recently done most of the TTs with ASM off as it costs about 3 secs per lap.
when i got the game i never botehred with arcade mode till i was mostly finished the gran turismo mode....but i have a question about the arcade mode that you touched upon earlier, i just need clarification....

you say that when you use a car from your garage to compete in arcade mode that the speed and weight and power are reset to stock settings even though i have upgraded them while in GT mode but these setting are misleading beacuse your car will still retain the settings you have provided through tuning even though the car is reported to have stock settings??

i.e. if you upgrade a car from 300hp to 600hp in gt mode then go to arcade mode and choose to race that car from your garage....
the screen will say that the car has 300hp(stock) but when you race it it actually retains the tuned settings you suppled in gt mode?

cheers TS
i completed Beginner mode and rally mode, and i was wondering what i have to complete to get more arcade tracks....i read the explanation but im confused about what the hell "area's" and "area A" really are.... im from australia so im dumb
Beginner and Rally are parts of Simulation Mode, so they don't have anything to do with it.

Go to Arcade Mode, then Single Race, then pick a difficulty. You see a bunch of tracks listed across the bottom:

Super Speedway
Mid-Field Raceway
Smokey Mountain
Swiss Alps
Trial Mountain
Mid-Field Raceway II

And in the corner you see Area A. That means that all 6 of the above tracks are in Area A. You need to race each one of them at least once and get 1st place, then you will open up Area B, which adds to the list of tracks:

Smokey Mountain II
Tokyo Rt. 246
Grand Valley Speedway
Laguna Seca Raceway
Rome Circuit
Tahiti Circuit

Once you win each of those races, you'll unlock 6 more tracks in area C, and so on, until you get all 34 tracks.

Go to the Clear Status section and it'll show you you all the areas and which races you've completed.

At first it's a little confusing when you can only see the first 6 tracks, because the "Area A" in the corner doesn't really make sense. I never even went to the Clear Status section for a long time because I thought "Clear Status" meant "Reset Arcade Mode".
Originally posted by gumpy
I have recently done most of the TTs with ASM off as it costs about 3 secs per lap.

You can only do that in the PAL version. NTSC forces you to have ASM on in Time Trials (although the FAQ is still wrong -- you can turn it in the rest of Arcade Mode)
being new to the forum & the game (i know, new mellinium) What is the best car to use to beat the test course on hard in area C. I've tried a few times w/different cars & never seen to have the hp!!!!! Thanks to anyone who can hep me.
being new to the forum & the game (i know, new mellinium) What is the best car to use to beat the test course on hard in area C. I've tried a few times w/different cars & never seen to have the hp!!!!! Thanks to anyone who can hep me.
according to several faq's and the gt book washing your car is suppose to help in the areo area causing less wind resistence and so on but i haven't really let any of the cars get dirty enough to notice if it does slow them down as of yet.
I guess you could use the Escudo with high gear ratios...most of the LM cars could do it, just set the gear ratio (in run and settings) to wide. Then use that same car in arcade.

super dave, washing your car does absolutely nothing, except to make it shinier.
dammit, i should have completed time trials along with arcade mode to get the Panoz and make easy money.

When i started the game i first beat the racing part of arcade mode (leaving TTs for later), then in simulation mode I bought a Miata, raced it in Sunday Cup enough to buy a mustang. then i souped that up and won enought $ to buy an impreza rally car, won the escudo, then won the fo90/s @ super speedway.

If i had come to this site 2 or 3 years ago, i would have saved so many hours of game play :yuck: :crazy:

oh well, i am at 76.3% and have the f687/s, f090/s, f094/h, and f094/s so its useless now, :indiff:
Looks like i'm as late as the last poster. Got a query, humour me, i'm dead new to all this. Having completed and unlocked all tracks in arcade mode 'Easy', i've started winning the races in 'Normal', but for some reason, i think they have kept the cars i unlocked in quarantine. I can't seem to find the bastards anywhere. Am i missing something, or what! :irked: :confused:

Well, you don't win the cars very often, and not that many, either. Check the game status page in arcade mode to see if you've completed a zone thing. If you have, it will light up the little car icon, tho it doesn't say what car it is, you can check the first post for that. I'm sure that your cars are there, you just haven't noticed them. The first four come rather slowly and are kinda easy to miss - they aren't all that spectacular.

And...if you'd like, you can just do it all on hard and it'll give you completion percentage and cars for the normal mode too.
OK thanks. I'm already up to Area F and am still to see any sight of one of the bonus cars, and when loading the garage from arcade mode, well, it's a tad threadbare. C'est la vie.
You sure you're looking in the right spot? When you go to choose your car, you should get the RUF and Tuscan in Class A, Miata in Class C, etc. You don't need to go to your personal garage thing. You don't get the cars in sim mode, only in the arcade mode.
Yup thanks again. Looks like i got 3 new cars anyways. Gee, those RUF and Tuscan are fan-bloody-tantastic.