The Best FREE Web Hosting Services.


currently i'm using, you get 100 megs FREE and a 300mb transfer limit, that may not seem like much, but if you're just using it for your small site, or hosting small gifs and such it works pretty well. the file size limit is 1meg and the service isnt slow like gaxa.

feel free to post other free webspace services, i want to try to find the best hosting service, with ample space, transfer limit, and filesize.
you're not going to find a decent webspace with unlimited filesize for free, anything with an unlimited size will be like 10 megs, and thats not even a video.
Woah, that sounds pretty good but only 1 meg file size? That kinda screws it up...anybody know a good host that would support a big site with lots of files, pictures, etc.?
man, I just tryed 150m and dk3, and they both aren't good...I signed up at 150m, and as I'm working on my page, it went bye bye...DK3 was screwed up too...

I need something that's free and has an editor, and no pop up ads...
i used to have a warez host, 100meg, unlimited bandwidth, zip files, FREE...but got shut down because it was leeching web space
Man...I need a good host but I don't wanna pay...and BTW, my site is a GT site...I would love to be like a sister site to GTP or somethin...hey, would GTP host me if they thought my site was good enough? Doubt it but its worth a try.
Originally posted by oosacker
i used to have a warez host, 100meg, unlimited bandwidth, zip files, FREE...but got shut down because it was leeching web space
Haha, that's pretty funny for them to kick you off for "leeching web space"! They are asking for it!!! :lol:

Man...I need a good host but I don't wanna pay...and BTW, my site is a GT site...I would love to be like a sister site to GTP or somethin...hey, would GTP host me if they thought my site was good enough? Doubt it but its worth a try.
If it has very unique, exclusive content, I might consider it.
Hey Jordan...if I made a Mazda info all Mazda info...would you host me? Probably not but I have to ask...
I need another hd since my 60 died, i used to host till it did, and im waitin for the new 60, but i think i'll need another 60 for FTP space, so if i got another 60 you could have a full 30Gb of webspace... but thats if i magicly get another 60 gig hd... that sux...I don't have any money or I'd send you a little to get another one...
Really? Cool...Its not as flashy as GTplanet but I created the layout myself and it has the basic info about GT and I have a previews section which focuses on all the hottest rumors about GT.

I plan to have a forum, too where you could discuss crap, etc.
Originally posted by Jordan
Haha, that's pretty funny for them to kick you off for "leeching web space"! They are asking for it!!! :lol:

If it has very unique, exclusive content, I might consider it.

Actually the webhost was leeching off a porn site...
Sounds great Mista....I really wouldn't use that much though...umm...I'll talk to you tomarrow on here...just got back from my bros graduation ceremony....
Fine, I gotta find an IDE wire thats long enuff for what I need it for (Im now gonna have 3 hds, ones yours)
The only thing you have to do is... configure everything, including server (apache) and other things (php, MySQL and etc)