A few days ago, I went in a JP lobby that had Sierra as the track. It was unrestricted, and so I was able to bring out my fully-upgraded supercars to drive around, in this case a Murcielago SV that still had a somewhat rough tune. The room was quite full, and the players were clustered in groups. I was getting a bit bored because there wasn't a nearby player I could cruise with, and so I waited at the nearest parking lot.
I observed this group of players on the minimap approaching where I was parked and they were going at quite a fast pace. There were three of them, and so once the first car was about to approach the parking lot, I floored it to try to catch up to them. Once I caught up, I noticed they were using fully upgraded cars and driving as fast as they can, as if they were having a little race. One of them was driving an R33 GT-R, the other an RX-8, and I forgot the 3rd car (sorry 3rd dude

Anyway, as I was driving with them, I felt that they sort of welcomed me into their cruise group because they started to avoid hitting me as I was driving alongside them (bear in mind I was the ONLY non-JP player in the room bearing a US flag). I started racing with them, in turn. And I have to say, it was amazing; it felt like the 4 of us were playing Need for Speed or Wangan Midnight

because all of us were just flooring it, and the RX-8 beside me was going as fast as my 900+hp Murcielago

(I think it was because of the slipstream of the R33 in front, but still

) and when we were going to hit the slow corners on the track, we were just sliding around them after hard braking. What's even more amazing is that there were NO collisions while doing said sliding around. The racing was clean and dignified, all overtakes were executed flawlessly, and it lasted for nearly the entire track.
Call me a slow driver for failing to drive my Murcielago faster than an RX-8, you might think that the somewhat rough setup is an excuse for my Lambo being slow, but I don't care. It was a really amazing experience, and this is what keeps me coming back to playing GT6 every now and then. Kudos again to JP players