Yesterday was a case of many things for me and my mighty Cityzen, mostly because I suffered one of the hardest (if not the hardest) climbs ever in Lima!! (Possibly of the world too, idk

Long story short, my crew invited me to a ride with them to a place I knew where it was but never went on one of the most exclusive districts of Lima (La Molina), called "El Peñon", I say it like that I know the district, which is quite far away from my house, but never went to that area... Of course, I didn't know what I was getting into and how incredibly hard it was

. To say it short, it was a "You think that was hard?!... That's nothing!!

" case...
"El peñon" is a 3-stage climb where the beginning (stage 1) is the longest stage (4,0 km) but also the easiest since the steepness is the lowest of the climb (don't know how many degrees is...

)... 2nd stage is the transition since is the shortest one (300m) but gets eventually steeper than stage 1 (and considering stage 1 will drain quite a stamina, some take the shot to get some resting, others just continue)... Stage 3 though is the big one... 900mts of a one, grueling 30-35° (or more, Idk) climb where you either zig-zag, or walk-climb if you don't have enough stamina or a big enough cassette, and you will be out of it at the end, trust me, and if it gets sunnier as you see, you will run out faster, thank god we went out very early in the morning to avoid the sun as quickly as we could... On the flip-side though, once you get to the top, the downhill will be awesome

. Here's my mighty Cityzen at the end of the climb

(I need to get a new saddle though since the current one is almost worn out)...
Here's the whole crew that went yesterday! (The most basic ones are my friend Gabriel's Yellow Neuf and my Cityzen), the others really had quite some cool rides, especially the leader who was debuting a brand new green Rockhopper expert 29er (actually, all of us were 29ers

). Fun fact: I suggested him to increase the travel of his Rockshox Judy with tokens to make it more trail-friendly, I would do it

... There was another Rockhopper (a silver one) with us as well, but went to his nearby house to take out some stuff 👍
Also, another fun fact, I saw quite two rarities in the climb and a nearby gas station after descending it, a black Jaguar F-type (on stage 3) and a gray C6 Corvette Grand Sport (on the gas station) (stupidly, I didn't take a photo of any... sorry), I talked a little bit to the owner of the latter about it since I was curious if it was another mid-life crisis or a car guy, it was more of the former, I was quite surprised to see both considering, even in such a wealthy district, people prefer to drive fancy SUVs more than sports cars
The whole crew on the gas station, the leader is the one who took the selfie, I'm on the "whatever" t-shirt (I know I'm quite chubby, thank you... I blame the pandemic!

... It's ok though since I've seen really chubby guys in both full suspension and hardtails on the streets and trails sending it quite good 👍)... I gotta say, it was exhausting as hell but really awesome to do the whole climb for the 1st time ever, have to do it quite a few more times to finally conquer it but I would low-key return anytime soon to it!