The biking thread

Just got this one but on occasions I don't.
A lot more come through than I miss out on.

@TB seems to have cleared it up though. 👍
I got one just now from @TB but often I have nothing come up. All other threads I subscribe to alert me to all kinds of posts (but not every post) but sometimes I miss things in this thread.

I don't know. It's not a big deal I suppose. Sorry for going off topic.
I bet the views are spectacular! 👍

I tried doing a few km this morning before work but I think I've come to realise that my body does not like me doing anything strenuous in the mornings at all. I end up feeling sick and overheat far too quickly. :indiff:

Still, when all of this is on your doorstep you can't complain too much!

I bet the views are spectacular! 👍

I tried doing a few km this morning before work but I think I've come to realise that my body does not like me doing anything strenuous in the mornings at all. I end up feeling sick and overheat far too quickly. :indiff:

Just have a banana in the morning and lots of water.

However, it does depend how early it is and what you are doing during your rides.

Its all about getting the body used to physical activity at a time that suits you.
I have one of these before I ride in the morning, plus big glass of water and a smaller cup of coffee. The basic sugars in the GU are all your muscles need to perform. Afterwards I munch down an apple at work. The Vanilla Bean one tastes like Ice Cream.👍


Plus, read this article about this very subject:

Sugar is the Best Fuel

I feel great after each ride. Usually I am quite hungry, and thirsty of course. I keep water along with during the rides to sip on.
Still have the thigh pain, but I suppose that's natural and can't really be avoided all things considered.
@Johnny_Clash is your ride a Roubaix?

@turbolefty78 yep two supposed evils sugars and carbs are a cyclists friend. Not unusual to see a pro cyclist sipping on a can of coke during a race.
As with everything moderation is a key though.
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Jelly beans are one of my favourites on the bike, just empty a small pack into a jersey pocket which makes them very easy to get to.

The two other foods often found in my pockets are bananas and museli bars, both easy to eat while riding.
Bonus of bananas is the packaging is biodegradable and can be dispersed of easily somewhere near the roadside.
Due to commuting and not riding far each trip food is rarely anything to be considered but because I'm out the door at 6:30am I do feel a bit week having woken up 20 minutes earlier and a small bag of sugary whatevers really make the difference between a pleasant commute and feeling grumpy all morning because I've cycled on an empty stomach.
@Emptyone , 6 hours :bowdown: Crazy! Very nice! :drool:

Cheers :) long day, but so worth it, some of the roads have to be seen to be believed. I'll post some pics and stories when I get back.

For those of you that may follow pro road cycling something for a bit of a giggle here.

That's a good video 👍 speaking of pro cycling, nothing of particular interest till the Vuelta, no Contador but Froome, Quintana and Rodriguez :drool:

Regarding the food discussion, I tend to just eat a bar an hour, with a banana after the first 1hr30. Porridge breakfast is normally good for ages I've found.

Oh and Tourmalet was fabulous, even if I had to tow my brother up. Cirque de Troumouse was better though :D
Make sure you post those photos @Emptyone :D

Went on a super late bike ride last night. It was more a cruise, little bit of sightseeing etc.

And the nicest I've seen:

:bowdown: What a car!
Do they not have many high-end performance cars in Rotterdam?

Today I'm going to cycle around a bit with my fishing rod and do some catching hopefully. For once I'm riding without a destination, just looking for rivers and pools. I've rarely ridden without a planned destination so this will be odd for me. In fact, this is perhaps the first time I've just been on a bike with no real travel purpose, just a need to find some water anywhere I can.
So this morning I get up early for my usual Sunday morning ride, draw the curtain back and peek out. Very little wind and not a cloud in the sky, excellent. Hmm wait, what's that ice on the car and the front grass is coated with a liberal dose of frost. A quick check of the phone says it's -2.7c, surely that can't be right but a check of two other sources on the PC confirms my fear. :scared:

Fast forward 40mins or so, breakfast has been consumed and the kids sorted out. Another check of the temp shows that it's risen to a balmy 0c. Right, looks like rule #5* is going to be swung into action here. After rifling through all my cycling gear in search of the warmest options I settle on.

Long sleeve base layer.
Fleece lined long tights.
New Jersey. :D
Thin fleece lined beanie pulled over the ears under my helmet.
Long fingered gloves.

My god the first 5km where painful, the exposed skin on my face was protesting loudly along with my toes which after about 2km couldn't move to protest. Seems having mesh near the front of shoes to vent is a fantastic idea for the summer but not so great when it's cold.

As for the rest of the body that was holding up quite well. The new jersey is the absolute ducks guts (<insert superlative of your choice), apart from being tailored like a finely made suit it does what it says on the box. Keeps you toasty indeed along with being nice and tight but non restrictive.
At the 20km mark the gilet had to be jettisoned and stuffed into a pocket but my god the toes were still suffering badly. The faster I went the worse they were, from memory I think it's the only time I preferred going up the hills than down them.

Honestly don't know how you guys that live in a cold climate can do it constantly. Roll on summer I promise to never complain about riding when it's 40c again.

I've tomorrow off work and it looks to be cold in the morning again so if the chance arrives I'll do it all again. :lol:

*Slight language warning.
I don't think I've ever cycled in minus temperatures but I do know how it feels to be cold on the bike and I can't say it's a nice experience.

Top job for braving the elements. Might have put a lot off the ride, myself included. 👍
Good application of rule 5 👍 I've cycled my road bike in snow so that counts? :P

@Shaun overshoes are a good winter purchase, even if it doesn't rain where you are. Numerous sock layers doesn't cut it.
@W3HS there are some nice cars in and around Rotterdam but compared to other cities it's really dissappointing. Rich Dutch people tend to store their cars in Germany/Belgium to avoid heavy taxes.

@Shaun Don't you love it? :D I've been to malmedy (around spa francorchamps) and it was -5 :indiff: couldn't even drink since my bottles were frozen, from just after the beginning. 🤬
Might be a silly question but I just want to check. My MTB has old skool 25.4mm diameter bars and most are now 31.8mm at the stem. Is the grip diameter still the same regardless? Because I'm thinking of buying new grips that clamp on and they don't mention circumference.

Oh and white grips.... good or bad idea?
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I'm not sure whether the clamping part will be the same but if you're going from smaller to bigger you can always fill in any gap with some rubber pipe.
I think the grip/brake/shifter clamps will all be the same size. Just the stem clamping area is changed from the 25.4 to the 31.8. I've been looking into different grips too as the factory ones are making my palms sore plus they are slipping off the bar, I have to keep pressing them back on. Here's a couple pics from Performance Bike of both bar sizes. Note that just the center bit is different sized. Hope this helps @Robin.

25.4mm bar.jpg 31.8mm bar.jpg
Good application of rule 5 👍 I've cycled my road bike in snow so that counts? :P

@Shaun overshoes are a good winter purchase, even if it doesn't rain where you are. Numerous sock layers doesn't cut it.

Hmm the overshoes sound like a good idea. Thing is though that was the coldest morning we've had in 17 years so it's not often I would need them I think.
I might have a look around for the cheapest option out there. 👍

Might be a silly question but I just want to check. My MTB has old skool 25.4mm diameter bars and most are now 31.8mm at the stem. Is the grip diameter still the same regardless? Because I'm thinking of buying new grips that clamp on and they don't mention circumference.

Oh and white grips.... good or bad idea?

Robin I'm 99% sure that the grip end is the same, the pics @turbolefty78 uploaded shows the difference. Pretty sure it's only the clamping diameter for the stem that varies.
I had a look at a few of the gazzilion grips on offer at Chainreaction and none of them seem to mention a difference in size.

As for white grips, just personal taste really. Just go with a model that's easy to clean because they don't stay white for long.
I thought it was the centre of the bars which attached to the stem which was being questioned so ignore my last post as it probably doesn't make any sense. :dunce:
Thanks for the replies guys, I guess the fact no sizes are mentioned means they should all conform to some bar standard (although would it have killed them to get a ruler out?). Fingers crossed!
I have similar lenses in mine, though without being 'safety' lenses because they were cheap Chinese ones, but have done well for the last 4 years. I agree they brighten everything up, just wearing them cheers me up because everything looks happy.