A month went by with the followers becoming ever hungrier to enjoy what they had been promised. Then, from nowhere, came an earth bending announcement. They would be soon unleashing the mythically rare and powerful double maintanance.
As the date of the occurance approached, the followers grew incredibly excited. Double maintanance often brought great tidings, and spec II itself was preceeded by the wave of this immense force.
But alas, the double maintanance happened with nothing to follow. Supporters cursed the great one from the tallest hilltop for raising their hopes and dashing them exquisitly. The rage went unanswered for weeks, until finally, the forgers of thy holy GTR decreed that it's greatest iteration would come soon.
And so it was that 1.13 was finally delievered onto us. We were greeted by thy awesome Nismo GTR along with the bulked up thoroughbred Toyota FT1 VGT; A glance at what may be made Castrol coloured in the coming years. The Turismites were also suprised by the ability of adding clock faces to their gallops and included a quick new way to connect and combat fellow followers. Greeted with most praise however, was the news that after over 6 months of glimpses, hints and droughts, the locks on the garden of Zahara were finally to be unchained.
To the great delight and surprise of the faithful, heavenly Zahara brought with it cheesy voice overs, combo breakers and crazy Kombi vans not seen since the legendry Outrun. It's casual and fun approach promising a relief to all those whose mates had exclaimed "what is that and can I have a go!?!" after seeing their holy shrines to Turismo. It 's arcadey nature however, made some fear for the future. Life takes paths and to some, this seemed like a misguided step down a lane that ends with gunfire and oil slicks.
The future, however, would be dealt with in time. For now the followers could put their attention back on waiting for thyne holy course creator, the release of the kidnapped bob and the arrival of ever more stallions.
Until that time devine friends,